One of the most important components of Registered Dietician/Registered Dietician Nutritionist (RD/RDN) education is supervised practice. This is also called a Dietetic Internship (DI). Under the rules of the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND), aspiring RDs/RDNs must complete supervised practice in addition to their degree studies in nutrition and dietetics. This may be integrated into a Coordinated Program in Dietetics (CP), which includes coursework and an internship of at least 1000 hours; or in a Future Graduate Program (FG), which includes graduate degree coursework and an internship consisting of at least 1000 hours.
If you opt to complete a Didactic Program in Dietetics (DPD), however, which is a stand-alone coursework program (either for a bachelor’s, master’s or bachelor’s to master’s degree program), you must then complete a Dietetic Internship (DI) to fulfill ACEND’s requirements. Only after completing the DPD and DI (or, optionally, the CP or FG) can you sit for the CDR’s RDN examination.
“The foundational courses like human nutrition, biochemistry, and physiology were essential. But honestly, the internship was the real game-changer. You can have all the knowledge from books, but nothing compares to the hands-on experience of working with real patients.”
Carol-Ann Robert – Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
Dietetic Inclusive Central Application Service (DICAS)
The Dietetic Inclusive Central Application Service (DICAS) makes the process of applying to and matching with Dietetic Internships simple for students. Students may access the DICAS online portal, where they may search for programs of interest and submit applications. Students must also register through D&D Digital Online Internship Matching Service, which will allow you to create, edit and verify priorities for your choices of internships. D&D is a web-based service that matches applicants to dietetic internships every spring and fall, based on the applicants’ and programs ranked order of preference. Many internships are highly competitive, and may enroll fewer than five students at a time. However, the Academy is trying to shift away from using DICAS and D&D systems completely in the future, so some programs may not be participating.
ACEND-Accredited Dietetic Internships
Dietetic Internships must also be accredited by ACEND, just as CPs, FGs, and DPDs are. The following is a list of DIs that have been ACEND-accredited, alphabetically by state.
Auburn University DI, Auburn, AL
- Offered in conjunction with M.S. in Nutrition Non-Thesis
- Total hours: 1226
- Rotations:
- Institutional food service, production and management
- Inpatient food service and production
- Inpatient Medical Nutrition Therapy I & II
- Renal nutrition/dialysis
- Outpatient Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Community child/adolescent nutrition education
- Community nutrition
- Nutrition research
- Area of choice
- Contact: Donna O. Burnett, PhD, RD at (334) 844-3429 or internship@auburn.edu
Samford University DI, Birmingham, AL
- Offered for students who have completed accredited undergraduate program in dietetics
- Total hours: 1300
- Offers distance learning option – complete internship in city/state in which you live
- Rotations:
- Foodservice systems management
- Community nutrition
- Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Child Nutrition Program Management
- Lifestyle MNT
- Culminating practicum in public health/community nutrition
- Contact: Amy Cameron, MS, RD, LD at (205) 726-4870 or acamero1@samford.edu
University of Alabama at Birmingham DI, Birmingham, AL
- Offered in conjunction with MS in Nutrition Sciences, Clinical Track
- Total hours: 1200
- Emphasis- Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Rotations:
- Clinical nutrition
- Community nutrition
- Foodservice management
- Research
- Contact: Carleton Rivers, MS, RDN at (205) 934-3223 or meadows4@uab.edu
Oakwood University DI, Huntsville, AL
- Distance learning program offered for post-baccalaureate students
- Total hours: 1000
- Rotations:
- Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Foodservice management
- Community nutrition
- Contact: Nadine Dowdie, MPH, RDN, LDN at (256) 726-7236 or nadowdie@oakwood.edu
There are no ACEND-accredited DI programs in Alaska.
Southwest Dietetic Internship, Phoenix, AZ
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Emphasis in American Indians and Alaska Natives nutrition
- Rotations:
- Phoenix Indian Medical Center (clinical, ambulatory care, urban community food service, management)
- Pinon Health Center (rural community nutrition)
- Contact: Capt. Robert Collison, MS, RD, CDCES at (602) 248-4189 or Robert.Collison@ihs.gov
Maricopa County Dept. of Public Health DI, Phoenix, AZ
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Total hours: 1000
- Two tracks offered: Full-time track or WIC track (for full-time WIC workers)
- Emphasis: Community and public health
- Rotations:
- Clinical nutrition
- Community and public health nutrition
- Foodservice management
- Contact: Diana Kinsfather, MS, RDN at (602) 506-8322 or diana.kinsfather@maricopa.gov
Arizona State University DI, Phoenix, AZ
- Offered in conjunction with MS in Nutritional Science or PhD-level ISPP
- Total hours: 1100
- Emphasis: Research
- Rotations:
- Clinical nutrition
- Community nutrition
- Food service management
- Contact: Christina W. Shepard at (602) 496-1855 or tina.shepard@asu.edu
Tucson Medical Center DI, Tucson, AZ
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Total hours: 1228
- Emphasis: clinical nutrition
- Focus: community service
- Rotations:
- Clinical Nutrition Therapy
- Foodservices and Clinical nutrition management
- Community nutrition/public health
- Research and professional development
- Contact: Lina B. Dorsey at (520) 324-1410 or beth.dorsey@tmcaz.com
Carondelet Health Network DI, Tucson, AZ
- Offered with optional Professional Science Master’s degree in Applied Nutrition at University of Arizona
- Total hours: 1100
- Emphasis: nutrition care in clinical settings
- Rotations:
- Food service
- Clinical nutrition
- Community
- Research
- School nutrition
- Clinical management
- Contact: Jennifer Doley, MBA, RD, CNSC, FAND at (520) 872-6109 or jenniferdoley@iammorrison.com
Ouachita Baptist University DI, Arkadelphia, AR
- Post-baccalaureate program offered as part of optional online MS in Nutrition degree
- Total hours: 1000+
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Community
- Foodservice management
- 50 internship sites throughout Arkansas
- Contact: Holly Kyzer, MS, RD, LD at (870) 245-5546 or kyzerh@obu.edu
University of Central Arkansas DI, Conway, AR
- Part of their MS Dietetic Internship program
- Total hours: 1200
- Emphasis: community nutrition
- Rotations:
- Clinical nutrition
- Community nutrition
- Foodservice management
- Contact: Dr. Alicia D. Sample Landry at (501) 450-5950 or alandry@uca.edu
University of Arkansas Medical Sciences DI, Little Rock, AR
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Optional MS in Clinical Nutrition available
- Emphasis: Medical Nutrition Therapy and Management in Dietetic Practice
- Rotations:
- Medical Nutrition Therapy and Management in Dietetic Practice
- Community nutrition
- Foodservice administration
- Contact: Courtney T. Fose at (510) 686-5714 or ctfose@uams.edu
Department of State Hospitals DI, Atascadero, CA
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Emphasis: mental health nutrition
- Rotations:
- Food service administration
- Mental health clinical nutrition
- Acute care clinical nutrition
- Community nutrition
- Staff experience
- Contact: Rachael M. Drake, MS, RD at (805) 468-2502 or Rachael.drake@dsh.ca.gov
Clinica Sierra Vista DI, Bakersfield, CA
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Total hours: 1200
- Rotations:
- Food service/food service management
- Clinical-Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Community nutrition/health promotion
- Administration and management
- Contact: Antonette Mar, MS, RD, CNSC at (661) 587-5781 or Antonette.Mar@clinicasierravista.org
Nutrition Ink Dietetic Internship Program, Banning, CA
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Total hours: 1240
- Emphasis: Medical Nutrition Therapy for Nutrition Support
- Rotations:
- Medical nutrition therapy
- Community
- Foodservice management
- Contact: Matthew A. Malouin at (951) 849-5150 or nidip@nutritionink.com
California State University Chico DI, Chico, CA
- Offered with MS in Nutritional Science program or stand-alone
- Last class for post-baccalaureate DI will be 2023-24, enrollment by Nov 2022
- Only available to CSU Chico students
- Total hours: 1000
- Emphasis: Nutrition education
- Rotations:
- Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Food service administration
- Community nutrition
- Contact: Lauren McNamara, MS, RDN at (530) 898-6264 or lmmcnamara@csuchico.edu
California State University Fresno DI, Fresno, CA
- Offered as part of MS in Nutritional Sciences program
- Total hours: 1088
- Emphasis: health promotion/disease prevention
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Community
- Food service management
- Contact: Erika Ireland, MPH, RDN, CDE, CLC at (559) 278-8009 or eireland@csufresno.edu
Central Valley WIC Dietetic Internship, Fresno, CA
- Offered as part of an online MS program in collaboration with Russel Sage college
- Applicants must be employed by CDPH WIC in order to be eligible for DI
- Rotations:
- Community
- Clinical
- Food service management
- Contact: Beth M. Arrindell at (559) 447-8720 or arrindellb@unitedhealthcenters.org
Golden Gate Dietetic internship, Greenbrae, CA
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Total hours: 1000
- Emphasis: Nutrition Leadership
- Rotations:
- Clinical nutrition and outpatient counseling
- Foodservice management systems
- Community nutrition education
- Nutrition leadership
- Contact: Susan S. Sherman at (415) 461-6528 or ssherman@goldengatedi.com
Public Health Foundation Enterprises DI, Irwindale, CA
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Must work for PHFE WIC full-time for one year as a degreed nutritionist in order to apply
- Total hours: 1220
- Rotations:
- Food service management
- Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Community nutrition practice
- Elective
- Contact: Beth Cordova, MPA, RDN at (626) 856-6650 x 324 or BethG@phfewic.org
California State University Long Beach DI, Long Beach, CA
- Offered with Master of Science in Nutritional Science program
- Emphasis: nutrition across the lifecycle communication
- Rotations:
- Foodservice
- Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Community nutrition
- Specialty rotations available
- Contact: Dr. Gail C. Frank at (562) 985-4494 or gail.frank@csulb.edu
Cedars-Sinai Health System DI, Los Angeles, CA
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Total hours: 1200
- Rotations:
- Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Management
- Community
- Research
- Contact: Stephanie Elizabeth Cramer at (323) 866-2847 or stephanie.cramer@cshs.org
VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System DI, Los Angeles, CA
- Offered with MPH at UCLA or MS in Nutritional Sciences at CSU Long Beach or MS in Human Nutrition at CSU Northside
- Rotations:
- Administrative
- Inpatient clinical
- Outpatient clinical with community
- Special interest
- Contact: Jillian Redgate, MS, RDN at (310) 258-3120 or jillian.redgate@va.gov
Children’s Hospital Los Angeles DI, Los Angeles, CA
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Total hours: 1332
- Rotations:
- Food service and administrative
- Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Community Nutrition
- Professional development
- Contact: Dietetic Internship coordinator at (323) 361-3816 or CHLA_dietetic_internship@chla.usc.edu
Department of State Hospitals DI, Napa, CA
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Emphasis: mental health nutrition
- Rotations:
- Food service administration
- Clinical management
- Clinical nutrition
- Community nutrition
- Contact: Ariana Moder, RD at (707) 254-2329 or Ariana.Moder@dsh.ca.gov
California State University Northridge DI, Northridge, CA
- May be part of Masters in Human Nutrition with Nutrition Therapy track or Community track
- Total hours: 1216
- Emphasis: Nutrition Therapy or Community nutrition
- Rotations:
- Nutrition therapy (clinical)
- Community nutrition
- Food service management
- Contact: Annette Besnilian, Ed.D, MPH, RDN, CLE, FAND at (818) 677-2841 or magaram.center@csun.edu
Patton State Hospital DI, Patton, CA
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Rotations:
- Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Hospital foodservice
- School foodservice
- Community nutrition
- Contact: Doris Taber, MPH, RD at (909) 672-1514 or Doris.Taber@dsh.ca.gov
California State Polytechnic University DI, Pomona, CA
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Total hours: 1200
- Emphasis: Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Rotations:
- Clinical nutrition/Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Food service
- Production management and administration
- Public health
- School foodservice
- Contact: Rachel S. Flores at (909) 869-3861 or rssutton@cpp.edu
California State University Sacramento DI, Sacramento, CA
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Total hours: 1260
- Emphasis: Disease prevention and health promotion; Advocacy and public policy
- Rotations:
- Clinical dietetics
- Foodservice management
- Community nutrition
- Outpatient dietetics
- Emphasis area
- Contact: Nadine Braunstein, PhD, RD, RAND at (916) 278-6414 or braunstein@csus.edu
UC Davis Medical Center DI, Sacramento, CA
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Total hours: 1550
- Emphasis: Clinical nutrition within a specialized academic health system
- Rotations:
- Clinical nutrition
- Adult critical care
- Pediatric acute care
- Ambulatory nutrition
- Community nutrition
- Foodservice management
- Contact: Barbara Lusk, MFCS, RD, LDN, FAND at (916) 734-3079 or bllusk@ucdavis.edu
UC San Diego Health DI, San Diego, CA
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Emphasis: Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Rotations:
- Clinical nutrition
- Food
- Service management
- Ambulatory community nutrition
- Research
- Contact: Janine Doggett, MS, RDN, CNSC at (619) 543-3351 or jdoggett@health.ucsd.edu
VA San Diego Healthcare System DI, San Diego, CA
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Emphasis: Medical Nutrition Therapy in inpatient and outpatient settings
- Rotations:
- Dietetics practice
- Community/public health
- Clinical
- Foodservice management
- Contact: Robyn Osborn, PhD, RD, at (858) 552-8585 x 2407 or robyn.osborn@va.gov
San Diego WIC Dietetic Internship, San Diego, CA
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Total hours: 1214
- Emphasis: community
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Community
- Foodservice management
- Priority consideration given to California WIC employees
- Contact: Brenda Reynosa at (858) 505-3080 x 149 or breynosa@sdsuwic.com
University of California San Francisco Medical Center DI, San Francisco, CA
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Total hours: 1600
- Rotations:
- Clinical nutrition core- adult inpatient
- Advanced Clinical nutrition
- Pediatrics clinical
- Critical care clinical
- Management
- Nutrition counseling and education
- Diabetes ambulatory care
- Off-site community program
- Contact: Amber Smith, MBA, RD, CD at (415) 353-1355 or Amber.smith2@ucsf.edu
San Francisco State University DI, San Francisco, CA
- Part of the Graduate Certificate in Dietetics program
- Total hours: 1200
- Rotations in:
- Hospitals
- Long-term care facilities
- Community nutrition programs
- Community organizations
- Contact: Wanda M Siu-Chan at (415) 338-3422 or siuchan@sfsu.edu
San Jose State University DI, San Jose, CA
- Only available to SJSU students in the BS in Nutritional Science, Concentration in Dietetics or MS in Nutritional Science programs
- Total hours: 1000
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Foodservice management
- Community
- Contact: Kasuen Mauldin, PhD, RD at (408) 924-3109 or kasuen.mauldin@sjsu.edu
California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo DI, San Luis Obispo, CA
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Total hours: 1216
- Rotations:
- Nutrition therapy
- Foodservice management
- Community nutrition
- Contact: Kari Pilolla, PhD, RDN at (805) 756-5419 or kpilolla@calpoly.edu
Children’s Hospital Colorado DI, Aurora, CO
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Total hours: 1404
- Emphasis: Pediatrics or Adult Acute Care
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Community
- Food service
- Contact: DI Director at (720) 777-0928 or dieteticinternship@childrenscolorado.org
Metropolitan State University of Denver DI, Denver, CO
- Optional MS in Nutrition and Dietetics can be earned
- Total hours: 1000
- Rotations:
- Clinical nutrition
- Community nutrition
- Food systems management
- Contact: Erin Murray, PhD, MSPH, RDN at (303) 615-1679 or nutrition@msudenver.edu
University of Northern Colorado DI, Greeley, CO
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Total hours: 1200
- Emphasis: Nutrition education and counseling; Management
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Food service
- Community
- An area of concentration (nutrition education and counseling, or management)
- Contact: Nicole Withrow, PhD, RDN at (970) 351-1578 or nicole.withrow@unco.edu
Tri-County Health Department DI, Greenwood Village, CO
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Emphasis: Community nutrition/public health
- Rotations:
- Community nutrition/public health
- Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Food service
- Clinical research
- Clinical pediatrics
- Long term care
- Contact: Michelle Harris at (720) 200-1513 or mharris@tchd.org
Nuvance Health DI, Danbury, CT
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Total hours: 1200
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Food service
- Community nutrition
- Contact: Jenny Starr, MBA, RDN, CDN at (203) 739-7216 or Jenny.Starr@nuvancehealth.org
Yale-New Haven Hospital DI, New Haven, CT
- Part of the (optional) MS in Human Nutrition program at Drexel University
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Management
- Community
- Special interest
- Contact: Lisa M. Mastroianni at (203) 688-8822 or lisa.mastroianni@ynhh.org
University of Connecticut Dietetic Internship, Storrs, CT
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Total hours: 1232
- Emphasis: urban issues
- Rotations:
- Hospital food service
- School food service
- Research
- Long-term care facility
- Community nutrition
- Outpatient counseling
- Inpatient clinical counseling
- Contact: Dr. Jillian A. Wanik at (860) 486-0035 or jillian.wanik@uconn.edu
University of Saint Joseph DI, West Hartford, CT
- Part of the graduate certificate program, with a Master’s degree option in Nutrition
- Total hours: 1000
- Rotations:
- Extended care/clinical
- Clinical
- Food service management
- School nutrition
- Wellness
- SNAP-ED community
- Additional community
- Enrichment (various)
- Contact: Michelle MacKenzie, MS, RDN, CD-N at (860) 231-5254 or mmackenzie@usi.edu
University of Delaware DI, Newark, DE
- Online post-baccalaureate program
- Optional Master of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics program
- Total hours: 1200
- Rotations:
- Clinical nutrition
- Food service management
- Community nutrition
- Contact: Anja Leefeldt, MS, RDN, LDN, FAND at (302) 831-4989 or aleef@udel.edu
District of Columbia
There are no ACEND-accredited DI programs in District of Columbia.
Bay Pines VA Healthcare System DI, Bay Pines, FL
- Integrated with University of South Florida’s MPH in Nutrition and Dietetics online program
- Emphasis: hospital based nutrition
- Rotations:
- General medicine
- Surgery
- Nutrition support
- Geriatrics
- Rehabilitative medicine
- Outpatient counseling
- Diabetes
- Oncology
- Food service administration and management
- Contact: Sharon Hickman, MPH, RDN, LD/N at (727) 398-6661 x 14449 or sharon.hickman@va.gov
Keiser University Distance Dietetic Internship, Fort Lauderdale, FL
- Part of the Master of Science in Nutrition online program
- Distance DI program
- Total hours: 1320
- Emphasis: Community nutrition
- Rotations must include:
- Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Food service systems/dietetic management
- Community nutrition
- Contact: Dr. Dona C. Greenwood at (863) 682-6020 or dgreenwood@keiseruniversity.edu
University of Florida DI, Gainesville, FL
- Part of the Master of Science in Food Science and Human Nutrition program
- Emphasis: Nutrition education and wellness
- Rotations:
- Community nutrition
- Food systems management
- Clinical
- Critical care
- Elective options
- Contact: Dr. Jeanette Andrade, PhD, RDN/LDN, FAND at (352) 294-3717 or jandrade1@ufl.edu
Mayo Clinic – Florida DI, Jacksonville, FL
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Total hours: 1320
- Emphasis: Clinical
- Rotations:
- Food service
- Clinical
- Community
- Management
- Contact: Angela Vizzini, RDN, LD/N at (904) 956-0039 or vizzini.angela@mayo.edu
University of North Florida DI, Jacksonville, FL
- Part of the Master of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics program
- Rotations:
- Food service management
- Clinical
- Advanced clinical
- Community
- Contact: Dr Claudia Sealey-Potts at (904) 620-1429 or c.sealey-potts@unf.edu
Florida International University DI, Miami, FL
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Total hours: 1216
- Rotations:
- Clinical dietetics
- Foodservices systems and management
- Community dietetics
- Nutritional health disparities
- Specialty practice
- Contact: Evelyn B. Enrione, PhD, RDN, LDN at (305) 348-3236 or enrionee@fiu.edu
Florida Department of Health Pasco County DI – New Port Richey, FL
- Part of the mandatory MS in Nutrition and Dietetics program in University of North Florida
- Two tracks available: WIC or PAL
- Rotations:
- Community nutrition
- Clinical nutrition
- Foodservice
- Contact: Amanda C. Maucere at (727) 619-0323 or amanda.maucere@flhealth.gov
AdventHealth Nutritional Services DI, Orlando, FL
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Total hours: 1216
- Rotations:
- Food Service and management
- Community
- Clinical
- Contact: Gabriela Palou-De Jesus, MS, RDN, LDN at (407) 303-5600 or Gabriela.PalouDejesus@AdventHealth.com
Sarasota District Schools DI, Osprey, FL
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Rotations:
- Foodservice management
- School nutrition education
- Nutrition therapy in community hospitals
- Community nutrition in county health dept., food bank, diabetes treatment service
- Contact: Sara S. Dan at (941) 486-9023 or sara.dan@sarasotacountyschools.net
Larkin Community Hospital DI, South Miami, FL
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Emphasis: clinical
- Rotations:
- Clinical nutrition
- Management
- Community
- Contact: Su-Nui Escobar at (305) 284-7500 x 7674 or Sunui_escobar@yahoo.com
Florida State University DI, Tallahassee, FL
- Part of the MS in Exercise Physiology-Sports Nutrition or MS in Nutrition and Food Science programs
- Emphasis: clinical or sports nutrition
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Community
- Foodservice management
- Contact: Lisa Trone, DHSc, RDN, LDN at (850) 645-7409 or ltrone@fsu.edu
Florida Dept. of Agriculture and Consumer Sciences DI, Tallahassee, FL
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Food Service
- Community
- Contact: Richard E. Parks at (850) 617-7431 or Richard.Parks@FDACS.gov
University of South Florida DI, Tampa, FL
- Part of the integrated online MPH in Nutrition & Dietetics program
- Rotations:
- Geriatric wellness
- Entrepreneur
- Research
- Clinical
- Community
- Contact: Theresa Crocker, PhD, RDN, at (813) 974-8261 or tcrocker@usf.edu
Anne Brezina DI at James A. Haley Veterans Hospital, Tampa, FL
- Post-baccalaureate program with optional graduate credit hours oat the University of North Florida
- Total hours: 1200
- Rotations:
- Clinical care
- Administrative
- Community
- Research
- Contact: Sherri Lewis, DCN, RDN, LDN at (813) 972-2000 x 7027 or sherri.lewis@va.gov
Georgia State University DI, Atlanta, GA
- Health Sciences, Nutrition, M.S. Coordinated Program
- Total hours: Minimum of 36 semester hours of graduate coursework plus 1,010 hours of supervised practice must be completed
- Alumni work for major healthcare, industry or educational institutions and become registered dietitians with specialties in adult or pediatric care, sports nutrition or long-term care, nutrition professors or clinical instructors, community or school nutritionists, or nutrition research and development specialists.
- Contact: Jessica Todd at (404) 413-1237 or jjohnson22@gsu.edu
University of Georgia DI, Athens, GA
- Part of the MS in Nutritional Sciences Thesis program
- Total hours: 1260
- Emphasis: Medical Nutrition Therapy or Community Intervention and Research
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Community
- Food service management
- Contact: Lauren Housley at (706) 542-4908 or lhousley@uga.edu
Emory University Hospital DI, Atlanta, GA
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Food service management
- Community
- Elective
- Skills development
- Contact: Michelle A. Gooden at (404) 693-3859 or michelle.gooden@emoryhealthcare.org
Georgia Dept. of Public Health DI, Atlanta, GA
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Total hours: 1200
- Emphasis: Community nutrition/public health
- Rotations:
- Community nutrition
- Public health research
- Life cycle nutrition
- Health promotion
- Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Food service
- Contact: Rhonda T. Knight, MPH, RD, LD at (404) 463-0742 or Rhonda.Tankersley@dph.ga.gov
Augusta University DI, Augusta, GA
- Part of the Master of Science in Allied Health, Concentration in Nutrition with DI program
- Total hours: 1200
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Community
- Food service mgt
- Contact: Nicole Moore, MS, RDN-LP, LD at (706) 721-2320 or nimoore@augusta.edu
Life University DI, Marietta, GA
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Total hours: 1096
- Rotations:
- Food service management
- Community
- Clinical acute care
- Clinical capstone project
- Special interest
- Contact: Ilana Katz at (770) 426-2736 or ilana.katz@life.edu
Morrison Healthcare DI, Sandy Springs, GA
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Option for online Master of Science in Human Nutrition
- Distance DI with sites available in:
- California
- Illinois
- Florida
- Louisiana
- Michigan
- Missouri
- New Jersey
- New York
- South Carolina
- Tennessee
- Contact: Karen Smith, MS, MBA, RD, LD< FADA, FAND at (404) 845-3322 or ksmith@iammorrison.com
Georgia Southern University DI, Statesboro, GA
- Part of the Graduate Certificate in Dietetics program
- Total hours: 1200
- Rotations include:
- Food systems administration
- Community nutrition
- Clinical nutrition
- Area of interest
- Contact: Dr. Karen Spears at (912) 478-2123 or kspears@georgiasouthern.edu
There are no ACEND-accredited DI programs in Hawaii.
Idaho State University DI, Pocatello, ID
- Part of the Master of Science in Nutrition program
- Total hours: 1200
- Emphasis: Community nutrition
- Rotations include:
- Clinical nutrition
- Foodservice
- Community nutrition
- Contact: Char Byington, MEd, RDN, LD at (208) 282-3091 or charbyington@isu.edu
Southern Illinois University-Carbondale DI, Carbondale, IL
- Part of the Master of Science in Food and Nutrition program
- Total hours: 1200
- Emphasis: Community nutrition
- Rotations include:
- Foodservice management
- Clinical nutrition
- Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Community nutrition
- Contact: Brenda Green at (618) 453-7513 or bgreen@siu.edu
Eastern Illinois University DI, Charleston, IL
- Part of the Master of Science in Nutrition & Dietetics program
- Total hours: 1200
- Emphasis: Nutrition education
- Rotations:
- Management
- Community and Legislative
- Clinical care
- Nutrition Support
- Contact: Melissa K. Maulding, MS, RDN at (217) 581-7571 or mkmaulding2@eiu.edu
Rush University DI, Chicago, IL
- Part of the Master of Science in Clinical Nutrition program
- Total hours: 1200
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Community
- Foodservice mgt
- Contact: Mark McInerney, DHSc, RD, LDN at (312) 563-0990 or Mark_C_McInerney@rush.edu
Northern Illinois University DI, DeKalb, IL
- Part of the Master of Science in Nutrition & Dietetics program
- Emphasis in Community Nutrition and Health Promotion
- Rotations:
- Clinical nutrition
- School nutrition
- Wellness and health promotion
- Diabetes education
- Community nutrition
- Contact: Nancy Prange, MS, RD, LDN at (815) 753-6386 or nprange@niu.edu
UChicago Medicine Ingalls Memorial Dietetic Internship Program, Harvey, IL
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Emphasis: Medical Dietetics or Wellness
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Medical or Wellness Concentration
- Foodservice
- Community
- Research
- Professional Development
- Contact: Cheryl A. Bacon at (708) 915-5723 or cbacon@ingalls.org
Edward Hines Jr. VA Hospital DI, Hines, IL
- Must have a Master’s degree to apply for this DI
- Emphais: Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Rotations:
- Management
- Food service systems
- Clinical practice in Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Community
- Contact: Candice West at (708) 202-2728 or candice.west@va.gov
Benedictine University DI, Lisle, IL
- Part of the Master of Science in Nutrition & Dietetics program
- Emphasis: Community and Public Health
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Community
- Food service
- Contact: Nikki DeWalt, MS, RD, LDN at (815) 343-6567 or ndewalt@ben.edu
Loyola University Chicago DI, Maywood, IL
- Part of the Certificate track or the Master of Science in Dietetics track
- Total hours: 1200
- Rotations:
- Medical Nutrition Therapy and Dialysis
- Public health nutrition, research, marketing and professional development
- Management of food systems and long-term care
- Contact: Dr. Joanne M. Kouba at (708) 216-4132 or jkouba@luc.edu
Illinois State University DI, Normal, IL
- Part of the Master of Science in Nutrition program
- A Distance DI Graduate Certificate program is also available
- Emphasis: Leadership & Project Management
- Rotations:
- Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Community Nutrition
- Food service management
- Contact: Dr. Julie M.R. Schumacher at (309) 438-7031 or jmraede@ilstu.edu
Harper College DI, Palatine, IL
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Total hours: 1000
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Community
- Food service
- Contact: Traci Wessel, MS, RD, LDN at (847) 925-6537 or twessel@harpercollege.edu
Bradley University DI, Peoria, IL
- Part of the Master of Science in Nutrition & Dietetics program
- Rotations:
- Clinical dietetics
- Food service management
- Community dietetics
- Contact: Amanda Newell at (309) 677-3736 or anewell@bradley.edu
OSF Saint Francis Medical Center DI, Peoria, IL
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Emphasis: self-directed interest
- Rotations:
- Clinical inpatient Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Community wellness and food services
- Self-directed emphasis
- Contact: Ashley Simper, MS, RD, LDN at (309) 655-2942 or Ashley.L.Simper@osfhealthcare.org
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign DI, Urbana, IL
- Must be a Master of Science or Ph.D. student in Department of Food Science or Human Nutrition or Division of Nutritional Science at the school to enroll in this DI
- Total hours: 1280
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Community
- Food service administration
- Contact: Jessica Aren Madson at (217) 244-4498 or jamadson@illinois.edu
University of Indianapolis DI, Indianapolis, IN
- Optional Master of Science in Exercise Science program
- Accelerated DI program
- Total hours: 1200
- Emphasis: Sports Nutrition
- Rotations:
- Clinical nutrition
- Food service management
- Community nutrition
- Contact: Angie Hart-Burton, MS, RD, CD at (317) 355-3337 or AHart-Burton@ecommunity.com
Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis DI, Indianapolis, IN
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Part of the Graduate Certificate in Dietetics program
- Rotations include:
- Clinical nutrition
- Food systems management
- Community nutrition
- Area of specialization
- Contact: Dr. Sara A. Blackburn at (317) 278-1385 or sblackb@iu.edu
Ball State University DI, Muncie, IN
- Part of the Master of Science in Nutrition & Dietetics program
- Total hours: 1060
- Rotations:
- Hospital food systems management
- Hospital nutrition therapy
- Community/business nutrition
- Optional experience
- Contact: Lydia J. Ballenger at (765) 285-5929 or ljballenger@bsu.edu
There are no ACEND-accredited DI programs in Iowa.
University of Kansas Medical Center DI, Kansas City, KS
- Part of the Graduate Certificate in Dietetics program
- Total hours: 1000
- Emphasis: Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Rotations:
- Clinical nutrition
- Community nutrition
- Food and nutrition management
- Practice area of interest
- Contact: Jeannine Goetz, PhD, RD, LD at (913) 588-1449 or jgoetz@kumc.edu
Western Kentucky University DI, Bowling Green, KY
- Part of the Graduate Certificate in Dietetics and Master of Business Administration program (DI interns must enroll in both programs)
- Total hours: 1050
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Community
- Food service
- Contact: Ann E Embry, PhD, RDN at (270) 745-3041 or ann.embry@wku.edu
University of Kentucky Hospital DI, Lexington, KY
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Total hours: 1250
- Emphasis: Clinical nutrition
- Rotations:
- Clinical nutrition
- Food service management
- Community
- Contact: Kira Galloway, MBA, RD, LD at (859) 323-5154 or kira.galloway@uky.edu
University of Kentucky DI, Lexington, KY
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Optional Master of Science in Nutrition & Food Systems available
- Total hours: 1200
- Emphasis: Food and Nutrition Systems
- Rotations:
- Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Food Service System Management
- Community Nutrition
- Contact: Aaron Schwartz at (859) 218-3308 or aschwartz113@uky.edu
Murray State University DI, Murray, KY
- Part of the online Master of Science in Nutrition program
- Rotations:
- Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Management Practice in Dietetics
- Community Nutrition
- Long-Term Care
- Advanced Practice
- Contact: Josie Bryant, MS, RD, LD at (270) 809-3152 or jbryant27@murraystate.edu
Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady University DI, Baton Rouge, LA
- Part of the online Master of Science in Nutritional Sciences program
- Total hours: 1524
- Emphasis: Community Nutrition
- Rotations:
- Clinical nutrition
- Community nutrition
- Foodservice management
- Professional development
- Business/entrepreneur
- Research
- Service learning
- Contact: Aimee Serio, MS, RDN, LDN at (225) 526-1739 or Aimee.Serio@franu.edu
Southern University and A&M College DI, Baton Rouge, LA
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Total hours: 1200
- Emphasis: Community nutrition
- Rotations:
- Nutrition therapy
- Food service management
- Community nutrition
- Contact: Valerie Richardson, PhD, RDN, LDN at (225) 771-3168 or valerie.richarson@sus.edu
North Oaks Health System DI, Hammond, LA
- Part-time, post-baccalaureate program
- Dual emphasis: Medical Nutrition Therapy and Food Service Management
- Rotations:
- Clinical nutrition
- Management
- Community nutrition
- Special interest rotation
- Contact: Leslie Ballard, MA, RDN, LDN, CSSD, CHES at (985) 230-6548 or ballardl@northoaks.org
McNeese State University DI, Lake Charles, LA
- Part of the Master of Science in Nutritional Sciences program
- Advantage given to current McNeese students who apply to the program
- Total hours: 1344
- Rotations:
- Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Community nutrition
- Foodservice management/business
- Nutrition therapy and health promotion
- Contact: Elizabeth T. Moore, MS, RD, LDN at (337) 475-5683 or Emoore1@mcneese.edu
Tulane University DI, New Orleans, LA
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Emphasis: Community nutrition
- Rotations:
- Community nutrition
- Clinical nutrition
- Food service and management
- Contact: Marcha Piacun at (504) 988-2672 or mpiacun@tulane.edu
Louisiana Tech University DI, Ruston, LA
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Total hours: 1200
- Emphasis: Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Community
- Food service
- Contact: Amy Hogan, EdD, RDN, LDN at (318) 257-2370 or amyhogan@latech.edu
Nicholls State University DI, Thibodaux, LA
- Part of the Graduate Certificate in Dietetics program
- Total hours: 1240
- Emphasis: Nutrition-Focused Physical Examination
- Rotations:
- Community
- Foodservice
- Clinical
- Contact: Dr. Sherry Foret at (985) 448-4732 or sherry.foret@nicholls.edu
University of Maine DI, Orono, ME
- Part of the Master of Science in Dietetics program
- Total hours: 1072
- Emphasis: Nutrition services and professional advocacy
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Food service and management
- Community
- Contact: Mona Therrien, DCN, RD, LD at (207) 581-1636 or mona.therrien@maine.edu
University of Maryland Medical Center DI, Baltimore, MD
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Students in MS in Human Nutrition program at Drexel University are eligible for preselection process into UMMC’s DI
- Emphasis: Clinical Nutrition
- Rotations:
- Community
- Diabetes/Management
- Food Service
- Pediatric
- Trauma
- GI Surgery
- Bariatrics
- Oncology
- Cardiology
- Medicine
- Contact: Stacy L. Pelekhaty at (410) 328-6990 or spelekhaty@umm.edu
Johns Hopkins Dietetic Internship, Baltimore, MD
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Optional MS in Pubic Health-Registered Dietitian coordinated program
- Emphasis: Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Rotations:
- Food service
- Community
- Clinical
- Management
- Elective
- Contact: Marcy Kane at (410) 550-2501 or mkane9@jhmi.edu
National Institutes of Health DI, Bethesda, MD
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Total hours: 1200
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Community
- Foodservice Management and Administration
- Elective
- Contact: Merel Kozlosky, MS, RD at (301) 451-5884 or kozloskym@cc.nih.gov
University of Maryland College Park DI, College Park, MD
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Total hours: 1200
- Emphasis: Information Management and Communication/Nutrition Informatics
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Community
- Food service
- Contact: Phyllis E. Fatzinger McShane at (410) 967-6377 or pmcshane@umd.edu
Community Support Services, Inc. DI, Gaithersburg, MD
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Total hours: 1216
- Emphasis: Developmental Disabilities and Community Nutrition
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Food Service
- Community
- Alternate practice
- Contact: Janice Goldschmidt, MPH, MS, RD, LDN at (240) 364-2344 or jgoldschmidt@css-md.org
University of Maryland Eastern Shore DI, Princess Anne, MD
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Total hours: 1288
- Rotations:
- Diabetes
- Long term care or developmental disability
- Foodservice management
- Renal
- Core life
- Research
- Clinical acute and/or clinical rehab
- School nutrition
- Contact: Michael Kirtsos, MS, RDN, CSSD, LDN at (443) 783-6878 or mkirtsos@umes.edu
University of Massachusetts Amherst DI, Amherst, MA
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Certificate program
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Food service management
- Community/education
- Contact: Christy Maxwell, PhD, RDN, LDN at (413) 545-1066 or cmaxwell@nutrition.umass.edu
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center DI, Boston, MA
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Total hours: 1200
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Foodservice systems management
- Community nutrition
- Contact: Lori DeCosta, MS, RD-AP, CNSC, LDN at (617) 667-2580 or ldecosta@bidmc.harvard.edu
Brigham and Womens Hospital DI, Boston, MA
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Total hours: 1450
- Emphasis: Clinical nutrition
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Medical
- Surgery
- Oncology
- Renal
- Intensive Care
- Outpatient
- Food service
- Research
- Pediatrics
- Special
- Business plan
- Clinical
- Contact: Jenica Abram, MPH, RDN, LDN at (617) 732-5595 or jabram@bwh.harvard.edu
Frances Stern Nutrition Center DI, Boston, MA
- Part of the Master of Science in Clinical Nutrition program from Tufts University
- Total hours: 2096
- Emphasis: Clinical Nutrition
- Rotations:
- Advanced Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Foodservice
- Adult Ambulatory
- Management
- WIC/Public health
- Weight and Wellness Center
- Dental
- Research
- Inpatient Acute Care
- Pediatrics
- Oncology
- Diabetes
- Contact: Haewook Han at (617) 636-8309 or haewook.han@tufts.edu
Massachusetts General Hospital DI, Boston, MA
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Rotations:
- Ambulatory care
- Acute clinical care
- Food service systems management
- Community nutrition
- Business entrepreneurship
- Contact: Patricia Engel, MS, RD, LDN at (617) 726-2589 or pengel1@partners.org
Boston University/Sargent College DI, Boston, MA
- Part of the Master of Science in Nutrition program
- Emphasis: Clinical nutrition
- Rotations:
- Food service management
- Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Nutrition practice in the community
- Contact: Marjane Staniec at (617) 353-7470 or staniec@bu.edu
Simmons University DI, Boston, MA
- Part of the Graduate Certificate in Dietetics program
- Total hours: 1000
- Emphasis: Community nutrition, health promotion and wellness
- Rotations:
- Food service
- Acute care
- Public health
- Community health
- Non-profit nutrition
- Counseling and education
- Research and professional practice
- Contact: Lisa Brown, PhD, RD, LDN at (617) 521-2686 or lisa.sciaccabrown@simmons.edu
Mount Auburn Hospital DI, Cambridge, MA
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Emphasis: Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Foodservice management
- Community
- Contact: Emily Lotterhand at (617) 499-5665 x 3059 or elotterh@mah.harvard.edu
Priority Nutrition Care DI, Hingham, MA
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Earn credit towards optional online Master of Science in Nutrition from University of Houston
- Distance dietetic internship
- Total hours: 1000
- Emphasis: Business of Nutrition
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Community
- Foodservice
- Elective
- Contact: Anne Manion, MBA, RDN, LD at (781) 264-6877 or anne@prioritynutritioncare.com
Wellness Workdays DI, Hingham, MA
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Earn optional credit towards master’s degree at Merrimack College, Simmons University, or Johnson & Wales University
- Distance dietetic internship
- Total hours: 1000
- Emphasis on wellness, health promotion and disease prevention (WWDI)
- Concentrations:
- Worksite wellness and health promotion
- Sports nutrition and entrepreneurship
- Nutrition Communications and Marketing
- Rotations:
- Clinical acute or long-term care
- Food service management
- Community nutrition
- WWDI concentration
- Contact: Debra Wein at (781) 741-5483 or debra@wellnessworkdays.com
Delicious Living Nutrition DI, Orleans, MA
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Total hours: 1184
- Emphasis: Dietetics in Agriculture
- Rotations:
- Clinical nutrition
- Food service
- Community nutrition
- Management/agriculture in dietetics
- Contact: Dianna Carpentieri at (774) 383-4818 or dianna@deliciouslivingnutrition.com
Hebrew Rehabilitation Center DI, Roslindale, MA
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Emphasis: Geriatric nutrition and food service management
- Rotations:
- Sub-acute clinical nutrition
- Outpatient nutrition
- Community nutrition
- Food service management
- Skilled nursing
- Long-term medical care
- Contact: Alegria E. Cohen at (617) 363-8248 or AlegriaCohen@hsl.harvard.edu
University of Michigan DI, Ann Arbor, MI
- Part of the Master of Public Health or Master of Science in Nutritional Sciences-Dietetics degree programs
- Total hours: 1080
- Emphasis: Community Nutrition
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Long term care
- Food service
- Community
- Outpatient clinical
- Elective
- Contact: Sarah Ball at (734) 763-5482 or sjcball@umich.edu
Andrews University DI, Berrien Springs, MI
- Part of optional online Master of Science in Nutrition and Wellness program
- Distance internship
- Total hours: 1200
- Emphasis: Clinical dietetics, plant-based
- Rotations:
- Clinical nutrition
- Foodservice management
- Community nutrition
- Contact: Sherri Isaak, MS, RD, CDCES, BC-ADM, DipACLM at (269) 471-3372 or isaak@andrews.edu
Harper Hospital DI-Detroit Medical Center, Detroit, MI
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Emphasis: Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Management/business
- Community/outpatient
- Other
- Contact: Jane E Quick-Brennan at (313) 745-5048 or jquick-b@dmc.org
Henry Ford Hospital DI, Detroit, MI
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Optional graduate credit through online master’s program at Central Michigan University
- Emphasis: Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Rotations:
- Basic clinical skills
- Clinical nutrition
- Clinical staff responsibility/patient care
- Community/management
- Food service systems
- Contact: Lynne A. Hufnagle at (313) 916-3473 or lhufnag1@hfhs.org
Michigan State University DI, East Lansing, MI
- Part of the Master of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics program
- Emphasis: Community Education
- Rotations:
- Clinical nutrition
- Foodservice
- Long term care
- Community/public health
- School nutrition
- Contact: Gail Rogers, MS, RDN at (517) 449-2911 or rogersg3@msu.edu
Western Michigan University DI, Kalamazoo, MI
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Earn 15 hours of graduate credit towards a MS in Family and Consumer Sciences
- Emphasis: Sustainable food systems
- Rotations:
- Clinical care
- Long-term care
- Community nutrition
- Food service management
- Wellness
- School nutrition
- Contact: Meghan Wilkinson, MS, RDN, CNSC at (269) 387-3704 or meghan.wilkinson@wmich.edu
Central Michigan University DI, Mt. Pleasant, MI
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Earn 12 hours of graduate credit
- Emphasis: Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Rotations:
- Clinical nutrition
- Foodservice administration
- Clinical elective
- Community nutrition/public health
- Contact: Anna Most, MS RDN at (989) 774-76-5 or most1am@cmich.edu
Beaumont Health System DI, Royal Oak, MI
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Total hours: 1320
- Emphasis: Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Long term care
- Specialty
- Community
- Food service management
- Contact: Laurie Herbert at (248) 898-3048 or Laurie.Herbert@beaumont.org
Minneapolis VA Health Care System DI, Minneapolis, MN
- Must have a master’s degree to apply to this DI
- Total hours: 1680
- Emphasis: Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Food service management
- Community nutrition
- Contact: Jessica Long, MS, RDN at (612) 467-2566 or jessica.long5@va.gov
Concordia College DI, Moorhead, MN
- Part of the Master of Science in Nutrition program
- Total hours: 1200
- Rotations:
- Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Community
- Management
- Contact: Dr. Meredith Wagner at (218) 299-3755 or wagner@cord.edu
Mayo Clinic-Rochester DI, Rochester, MN
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Emphasis: Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Rotations:
- Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Clinical management
- Community
- Self-selected
- Food service management
- Contact: Brenda Sanderson, RDN, LD at (507) 255-5617 or sanderson.brenda@mayo.edu
University of Minnesota DI, Saint Paul, MN
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Two areas of emphasis available:
- Eating Disorders
- Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Rotations:
- Eating disorders
- Clinical
- Community
- Foodservice systems and management
- Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Contact: Therese K. Liffrig at (612) 301-3191 or uofdi@umn.edu
St. Cloud Hospital DI, St. Cloud, MN
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Emphasis: Medical Nutrition Therapy or Community Nutrition
- Rotations:
- Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Community Nutrition
- Foodservice management
- Professional development
- Contact: Sierra Quarnstrom at (320) 251-2700 x 50076 or quarnstroms@centracare.com
Gulf Coast DI, Biloxi, MS
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Distance dietetic internship
- Total hours: 1000
- Rotations:
- Foodservice management
- Community nutrition
- Clinical nutrition
- Entrepreneur elective
- Contact: Gina Wack, MS, RD at (228) 297-8446 or ginawack@aol.com
Lagniappe Wellness DI, Biloxi, MS
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Onsite and Distance dietetic internships available
- Option to enroll in University of Southern Mississippi’s online MS program
- Emphasis: Obesity and Diabetes Prevention and Treatment
- Rotations:
- Foodservice management
- Community nutrition
- Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Outpatient emphasis
- Contact: Robin Schenk, MS, RD, CDN at (716) 566-8884 or rschenk@lagniappewellness.com
University of Southern Mississippi DI, Hattiesburg, MS
- Part of the online Master of Science in Kinesiology and Nutrition -Dietetics Practice program
- Total hours: 1000
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Community
- Foodservice management
- Contact: Molly Chaffin Edwards at (601) 336-0165 or Molly.edwards@usm.edu
Mississippi State University DI, Mississippi State, MS
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Optional MS or PhD in Nutrition
- Earn 21 hours of graduate credit
- Total hours: 1000
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Research
- Food service management
- Community nutrition
- Nutrition education
- Contact: Terezie Tolar-Peterson (Mosby), EdD, RDN, LDN, FAND at (662) 325-5902 or terezie.mosby@msstate.edu
Northwest Missouri State University DI, Maryville, MO
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Total hours: 1200
- Emphasis: Community nutrition
- Rotations:
- Community
- Food service (school and hospital)
- Long term care
- Elective
- Community- Wellness
- Medical Nutrition Therapy (inpatient and outpatient)
- Contact: Jessica Anderson at (660) 562-1093 or janderson@nwmissouri.edu
Missouri State University DI, Springfield, MO
- Part of the graduate certificate program
- Emphasis in Public Affairs or Rural Health available
- Rotations:
- Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Population Health
- Food service management
- Public Affairs or Rural Health concentration
- Contact: Dr. Hilary L. Roberts at (417) 836-8884 or HRoberts@MissouriState.edu
Cox College DI, Springfield, MO
- Part of the optional Master of Science in Nutrition Diagnostics DI program
- Total hours: 1216
- Emphasis: Prevention
- Rotations:
- Nutrition diagnostics/assessment
- Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Nutrition counseling/education
- Contact: Kristen Williams, EdD, RD, LD at (417) 269-3040 or kristen.williams@coxcollege.edu
Saint Louis University DI, Saint Louis, MO
- Part of the Master of Science in Dietetics program
- Total hours: 1200
- Emphases available:
- Culinary entrepreneurship
- Nutrition therapy
- Pediatric nutrition
- Nutrition and physical performance
- Rotations:
- Clinical nutrition
- Community nutrition
- Food service
- Contact: Rabia Rahman at (314) 977-8523 or rabia.rahman@health.slu.edu
VA St. Louis Health Care System DI, St. Louis, MO
- Two tracks available:
- Track one – must also enroll in Univ of Alabama MS in Human Nutrition program
- Track two- Must already have a master’s degree
- Emphasis: Health promotion, disease treatment and disease prevention
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Administration
- Foodservice management
- Community
- Contact: Kim Matwiejow at (314) 652-4100 x 64594 or kim.matwiejow2@va.gov
Montana State University Bozeman DI, Bozeman, MT
- Part of Master of Science in Dietetic Systems Leadership program
- Emphasis: Sustainable food systems
- Rotations:
- Clinical nutrition
- Community nutrition
- Foodservice management
- Contact: Coleen Kaiser, MS, RDN LN at (406) 994-5002 or coleenk@montana.edu
There are no ACEND-accredited DI programs in Nebraska.
University of Nevada Las Vegas DI, Las Vegas, NV
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Emphasis: Community nutrition
- Rotations:
- Community nutrition
- Food and beverage management
- Clinical nutrition
- Elective
- Food Insecurity-Food banking
- Contact: Dr. Laura Kruskall, PhD, RDN, LD, CSSD, FACSM, FAND at (702) 895-4985 or laura.kruskall@unlv.edu
University of Nevada Reno DI, Reno, NV
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Total hours: 1200
- Emphasis: Clinical nutrition
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Foodservice administration
- Community
- Contact: Karon Felten, MS, RDN, LD at (775) 784-6446 or karonf@unr.edu
VA Sierra Nevada Health Care System DI, Reno, NV
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Total hours: 1240
- Emphasis: Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Rotations:
- Clinical nutrition
- Clinical and food service management
- Community nutrition
- Specialty areas
- Contact: Carol-Anne Carr at (775) 786-7200 x 4622 or carol-anne.carr@va.gov
New Hampshire
University of New Hampshire DI, Durham, NH
- Part of the Master of Science in Nutritional Sciences program
- Emphasis: Sustainable food systems
- Rotations:
- Clinical nutrition
- Food service management
- Community nutrition
- Contact: Amy Taetzsch at (603) 862-3280 or Amy.Taetzsch@unh.edu
Keene State College DI, Keene, NH
- Part of the online Master of Science in Public Health Nutrition program
- Total hours: 1200
- Emphasis: Population health
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Community
- Foodservice management
- Contact: Stephanie Chmielecki, MS, RD, LD at (603) 358-2914 or schmielecki@keene.edu
New Jersey
NutraCo DI, Holmdel, NJ
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Distance DI program
- Option to apply to University of Alabama to earn MS while completing DI
- Concentrations:
- Long Term Care
- Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Wellness Promotion
- Contact: Dawn Hershey at (845) 239-3808 or dhershey@nutraco.com
Montclair State University DI, Montclair, NJ
- Part of the graduate certificate program
- Total hours: 1223
- Emphasis: Nutrition therapy
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Foodservice management
- Community nutrition
- Wellness
- Education
- Research
- Contact: Kathleen Bauer, PhD, RDN at (973) 655-4375 or dietintern@montclair.edu
Saint Elizabeth University DI, Morristown, NJ
- Part of the online MS in Nutrition program
- Total hours: 1200
- Concentrations:
- Entrepreneurial nutrition practice
- Community/public health nutrition
- Rotations:
- Clinical dietetics
- Departmental management
- Community Nutrition
- Professional Development
- Concentration
- Contact: Theresa O’Reilly, MS, RDN at (973) 290-4126 or toreilly@steu.edu
Komplete Business DI, Turnersville, NJ
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Distance education DI
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Food service management
- Community
- Business
- Enrichment
- Contact: Beryl F Krinsky at (215) 764-9651 or beryl@bkomplete.com
New Mexico
University of New Mexico DI, Albuquerque, NM
- Part of the MS in Nutrition program
- Total hours: 1000
- Emphasis: Clinical dietetics
- Rotations:
- Clinical dietetics
- Research
- Community nutrition
- Management nutrition
- Contact: Jean Cerami, MS, RD, LD at (502) 277-0937 or jcerami@unm.edu
New Mexico State University DI, Las Cruces, NM
- Part of the Master of Science in Family and Consumer Sciences program
- Emphasis: Community Nutrition in Cooperative Extension Service
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Community
- Foodservice
- Contact: Sylvia “Gaby” Phillips, MS, RDN, LD at (575) 646-4117 or gabyphil@nmsu.edu
New York
James J. Peters VA Medical Center DI, Bronx, NY
- Part of the New York University MS in Clinical Nutrition program (must be enrolled in that to apply to this DI)
- Emphasis: Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Community
- Food service management
- Culinary nutrition
- Contact: Verzhine V. Ownes, MS, RD, CDN, CDCES at (718) 584-9000 x 6845 or Verzhine.Owens@va.gov
Herbert H. Lehman College CUNY DI, Bronx, NY
- Must be enrolled in the college’s MS in Nutrition Program or another MS program or have an MS degree in order to apply to this DI
- Total hours: 1200
- Emphasis: Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Concentration: Sustainable, Resilient and Healthy Food and Water System curriculum
- Rotations:
- Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Food Service Management
- Community
- Research project
- Contact: Marina Stopler at (718) 960-6713 or marina.stopler@lehman.cuny.edu
Brooklyn College CUNY DI, Brooklyn, NY
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Total hours: 1200
- Rotations:
- Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Food systems management
- Public health and community wellness
- Independent practice
- Contact: Susan Jakuboski, MS, RD, CDN at (718) 951-5000 x 6699 or sjakuboski@brooklyn.cuny.edu
Long Island University/Post DI, Brookville, NY
- Graduate certificate program
- Optional MS in Nutrition program also available
- Two emphases available: Medical Nutrition Therapy and Health & Wellness
- Rotations:
- Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Food service systems management
- Community/Health and Wellness
- Research
- Contact: Dr Deborah Salvatore, DCN, RDN, CDN at (516) 299-3224 or Deboarh.Salvatore@liu.edu
Queens College CUNY DI, Flushing, NY
- Part of the MS in Nutrition and Exercise, Nutrition Specialization program; will also admit students who already have a MS
- Total hours: 1000
- Rotations:
- Community
- Clinical
- Management of Food Systems
- Contact: Allison Charny, MS, RDN, CDCES, CDN at (718) 997-4138 or allison.charny@qc.cuny.edu
Cornell University DI, Ithaca, NY
- Partnered with the University of Rochester Medical Center
- Optional MS in Nutritional Sciences-Dietetics program
- Emphasis: research
- Rotations:
- Community
- Clinical
- Management
- Diet and Disease Therapy
- Research
- Leadership
- Contact: Diana Wixson at (607) 255-2690 or dmw17@cornell.edu
New York Distance DI, Lynbrook, NY
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Distance DI program
- Rotations:
- Foodservice management
- Community nutrition
- Clinical nutrition
- Elective rotations:
- Health and nutrition influencer
- Public health nutrition
- Sports nutrition
- Culinary nutrition
- Contact: Leslie Rosen, MA, RDN, CDN T (516) 295-0535 or nyddi@yahoo.com
Northwell Health DI, Manhasset, NY
- Must hold a master’s degree or be in a master’s degree program in order to apply to this DI
- Total hours: 1050
- Emphasis: Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Rotations:
- Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Food service management
- Community nutrition
- Contact: Luz E. Valencia-Penagos at (516) 562-8514 or lvalenciap@northwell.edu
City University of New York DI, New York, NY
- In-person and distance DI programs available
- Optional Master of Public Health degree or Certificate in Public Health
- Emphasis: Public Health Nutrition
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Community
- Foodservice
- Contact: Ann Gaba, EdD, RD, CDN, CDE, FAND at (646) 364-9512 or ann.gaba@sph.cuny.edu
New York-Presbyterian Hospital DI, New York, NY
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Emphasis: Nutrition therapy
- Rotations:
- Clinical dietetics
- Ambulatory nutrition
- Food service systems management
- Contact: Catherine Zymaris, MD, RD, CDN, CNSC at (212) 746-0836 or caz9011@nyp.org
New York University DI, New York, NY
- Must be enrolled in the MS in Clinical nutrition program or the MS in Nutrition and Dietetics: Clinical Nutrition program
- Total hours: 1200
- Rotations:
- Clinical nutrition therapy
- Community nutrition
- Clinical nutrition management
- Food service management
- NYU Pediatric Dental Clinic
- Contact: Gena Seraita at (212) 998-5580 or grs309@nyu.edu
Hunter College CUNY DI, New York, NY
- Graduate certificate program
- On-site or Distance DI programs available
- Total hours: 1000
- Rotations:
- Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Community nutrition and public health
- Food service management
- Contact: Allison Marshall, MS, RDN, CDN, CDCES at (212) 396-7729 or ama0026@hunter.cuny.edu
Stony Brook University DI, Stony Brook, NY
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Optional MS in Nutrition program available
- Onsite and distance DI programs available
- Emphasis: Clinical Nutrition Therapy
- Rotations:
- Clinical nutrition therapy
- Community nutrition
- Food service systems management
- Contact: Josephine Connolly-Schoonen, PhD, RD at (631) 444-8246 or josephine.connolly-schoonen@stonybrookmedicine.edu
Syracuse University DI, Syracuse, NY
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Optional MS in Nutrition program available
- Total hours: 1200
- Rotations:
- Community education and counseling
- Food management
- Long term/extended care
- Acute care
- Elective
- Contact: Nicole Beckwith, MA, RDN, CDN at (315) 443-2396 or nmbeckwi@syr.edu
Russell Sage College DI, Troy, NY
- Part of a graduate certificate program
- Onsite and distance DI tracks available
- Emphasis: Communications
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Community
- Foodservice management
- Contact: Michelle Morgan, MS, RDN, CDN at (518) 244-4598 or morgam1@sage.edu
North Carolina
Appalachian State University DI, Boone, NC
- Part of the MS in Nutrition program
- Emphasis: Rural Health
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Community nutrition
- Food service management
- Contact: Paul Moore, PhD, MBA, MS, RD, LDN at (828) 262-8634 or moorepb@appstate.edu
Western Carolina University DI, Cullowhee, NC
- Part of the Master of Health Sciences -Nutrition program
- Emphasis: Nutrition education
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Community
- Foodservice management
- Contact: Beth Wall-Bassett at (828) 227-3528 or ewbassett@wcu.edu
North Carolina Central University DI, Durham, NC
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Earn 15 semester hours of graduate credits in Nutrition and Dietetics
- Total hours: 1200
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Community
- Foodservice management
- Contact: Dr. Lisa Best, RD, LDN at (919) 530-6359 or lbest17@nccu.edu
University of North Carolina Greensboro DI, Greensboro, NC
- Post-baccalaureate, graduate certificate program
- Total hours: 1000
- Emphasis: Professional Engagement
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Community
- Foodservice management
- Contact: Babbi Hawkins at (336) 256-0326 or bshawkin@uncg.edu
East Carolina University DI, Greenville, NC
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Emphasis: Clinical nutrition
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Community
- Food service-acute care
- Food service – school system/other
- Contact: Tara Wind at (252) 744-1006 or windt19@ecu.edu
Lenoir-Rhyne University DI, Hickory, NC
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Optional Master of Public Health program available
- Distance DI program available
- Emphasis: Prevention and treatment of childhood obesity
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Community
- Food service management
- Contact: Julie Covington, Ed. D, at (828) 328-7453 or julie.covington@lr.edu
Meredith College DI, Raleigh, NC
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Earn six hours of graduate credit towards MS in Nutrition
- Emphasis: Leadership in nutrition/community
- Rotations:
- Clinical nutrition
- Community nutrition
- Food service management
- Enrichment rotation
- Professional communication – leadership and informatics
- Contact: Cathie Ostrowski at (919) 760-8419 or ostrowsk@meredith.edu
North Dakota
There are no ACEND-accredited DI programs in North Dakota.
Ohio University DI, Athens, OH
- Part of the Master of Science in Food and Nutrition Sciences program
- Total hours: 1200
- Emphasis: Community health and wellness
- Rotations:
- Community
- Clinical
- Food service management
- Contact: Kimberlee Orben, MS, RDN, LD, CSO at (614) 946-5462 or orben@ohio.edu
Bowling Green State University DI, Bowling Green, OH
- Two options available:
- On-site DI and Master’s Degree in Food and Nutrition program
- Distance DI and Graduate Certificate program
- Total hours: 1000
- Rotations:
- Clinical/acute care
- Administrative
- Community nutrition and ambulatory care
- Contact: Laura Brubaker, MFN, RDN, LD at (419) 372-6040 or lbrubak@bgsu.edu
Be Well Solutions DI, Cleveland, OH
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Distance DI program
- Optional master’s degree programs with Cedar Crest College and University of Alabama
- Total hours: 1040
- Emphasis: Wellness/Disease prevention
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Foodservice
- Community and public health
- Wellness disease prevention
- Emphasis of particular interest
- Contact: Katie Bigart at (216) 378-0888 x 237 or kbigart@bewellsolutions.com
Cleveland Clinic DI, Cleveland, OH
- Option to complete MS in Nutrition from Case Western Reserve University or MS in Clinical Nutrition, Nutrition Education and Healthcare Administration from Rosalind Franklin University in Chicago (online degree programs)
- Emphasis: Clinical Nutrition
- Rotations:
- Clinical nutrition
- Community/public health
- Sales and marketing
- Advanced practice
- Clinical management
- Outcomes research
- Patient and retail foodservice management
- Contact: Naomi Barbor, MS, RD, LD at (216) 444-6487 or barborn@ccf.org
Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center DI, Cleveland, OH
- Part of the MS in Nutrition program at Case Western Reserve University
- Emphasis: Research Processes & Applications
- Rotations:
- Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Foodservice systems management
- Community nutrition
- Contact: Arianna Aoun at (216) 791-3800 x 4375 or Arianna.Aoun@va.gov
MetroHealth Medical Center DI, Cleveland, OH
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Emphasis: Clinical nutrition
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Community
- Food service management
- Contact: Jennifer Bier, MS, RD, LD at (216) 778-5203 or jbier@metrohealth.org
University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center DI, Cleveland, OH
- Part of the MS in Nutrition program at Case Western Reserve University and Louis Stokes Cleveland Dept of VA Medical Center DI program
- Total hours: 1587
- Emphasis: Research Processes and Applications
- Rotations:
- Pediatric
- Oncology
- Women’s health
- Acute care
- Community
- Foodservice management
- Contact: Gina E. Bayless at (216) 286-5027 or gina.bayless@UHhospitals.org
Case Western Reserve University DI, Cleveland, OH
- Part of the MS in Public Health Nutrition program
- Total hours: 1320
- Emphasis: Public health/community nutrition
- Rotations:
- Community
- Clinical
- Foodservice management
- Contact: Tamara Randall, MS, RDN, LD, CDE, FAND at (216) 368-6630 or tamara.randall@case.edu
Premier Health DI, Dayton, OH
- Part of University of Dayton’s MS in Dietetics and Nutrition program
- Rotations:
- Foodservice management
- Clinical
- Community
- Research
- Contact: Karyn Catrine, MS, RDN, LD at kscatrine@premierhealth.com
Kent State University DI, Kent, OH
- Part of the MS in Nutrition program
- Total hours: 1500
- Emphasis: Leadership
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Community
- Business
- Food service management
- Clinical nutrition management
- Elective
- Contact: Natalie Caine-Bish, PhD, RD, LD at (330) 672-2197 or ncaine@kent.edu
Miami University DI, Oxford, OH
- Part of the MS in Kinesiology and Health with Exercise and Health concentration program
- Emphasis: Clinical nutrition
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Community
- Food service
- Elective
- Contact: Sharman Willmore, PhD, RD, LD, MCHES at (513) 529-8501 or willmose@miamioh.edu
University of Central Oklahoma DI, Edmond, OK
- Part of the MS in Nutrition and Food Science program
- Total hours: 1200
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Food and nutrition management
- Community
- Contact: Dr. Tawni Holmes at (405) 974-5781 or tholmes2@uco.edu
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center DI, Oklahoma City, OK
- Part of the post-baccalaureate certificate program
- Optional MS in Nutritional Sciences available
- Total hours: 1208
- Rotations:
- Food service management
- Community
- Clinical
- Elective
- Contact: Brian dela Cruz, MS, RDN, LD at (405) 271-8001 x41181 or Brian-Dela-Cruz@ouhsc.edu
Oklahoma State University DI, Stillwater, OK
- Must be enrolled in one of these programs to participate in DI:
- MS in Dietetics Research
- MPH in Public Health
- MS in Nutrition
- Total hours: 1000
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Community
- Foodservice management
- Contact: Dr. Gena Wollenberg at (405) 744-6954 or gena.wollenberg@okstate.edu
Keith & Associates Distance DI, Tulsa, OK
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Distance DI
- Optional MS in Human Nutrition from University of Alabama or MS in Nutrition from University of Central Arkansas
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Community
- Foodservice management
- Contact: Sandra Keith, MPH, RD, LD at (918) 574-8598 or sandrak@consultingdietitians.com
Oregon State University DI, Corvallis, OR
- Must enroll in the MS in Nutrition-Professional Dietetics program to participate in this DI
- Total hours: 1200
- Emphasis areas: Senior Nutrition Care and Community/Primary Care Nutrition Practice
- Rotations:
- Community
- Clinical
- Foodservice
- Contact: Jenny Jackson, PhD, MS, RDN, CHWC at (541) 737-4853 or jenny.jackson@oregonstate.edu
Oregon Health & Science University DI, Portland, OR
- Part of the Graduate Certificate program
- Rotations:
- Foodservice
- Community nutrition/public health
- Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Critical Care
- Inpatient Med/Surg
- Outpatient Med/Primary Care
- Clinical management
- Contact: Diane Stadler, PhD, RD, LD at (503) 494-0168 or stadlerd@ohsu.edu
Cedar Crest College DI, Allentown, PA
- Part of the graduate certificate program
- Credits transferrable to the MS in Nutrition program if desired
- On-site and distance tracks available
- Emphasis: Community nutrition
- Rotations:
- Clinical nutrition
- Food service management
- Community nutrition
- Concentration
- Contact: Tara L. Miltenberger, MEd, RDN, LDN at (610) 606-4666 x 3621 or tlmiltenb@cedarcrest.edu
Geisinger DI, Danville, PA
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Emphasis: Medical Dietetics or Pediatrics
- Rotations:
- Clinical nutrition
- Food service
- Community nutrition
- Electives
- Contact: Vonda Hetherington, MBA, RDN, LDN, CDCES at (570) 214-5343 or vkhetherington@geisinger.edu
Pennsylvania Department of Health WIC DI, Harrisburg, PA
- Must be a PA WIC local agency employee to apply to this DI
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Total hours: 1250
- Emphasis: Community nutrition/public health
- Rotations:
- Community nutrition/public health
- Food service management
- Clinical nutrition
- Alternative practice hours
- Contact: Stephanie Bender, MS, RDN, LDN at (717) 941-9207 or stepbender@pa.gov
Immaculata University DI, Immaculata, PA
- Must be a graduate student in the MS in Clinical Nutrition program at Immaculata to apply to this DI
- Total hours: 1200
- Emphasis: Cultural competence and diversity in dietetics practice
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Foodservice
- Community
- Contact: Danielle N. Kronmuller at (610) 647-4400 x 3482 or dkronmul@immaculata.edu
Messiah University DI, Mechanicsburg, PA
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Earn 19 graduate credits
- Total hours: 1275
- Emphasis: Food insecurity
- Rotations:
- Inpatient Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Community nutrition
- Food service management
- Service to individuals with limited access to healthy foods
- Contact: Michelle Sanford, MS, RDN, LDN at (717) 766-2511 x 2399 or msanford@messiah.edu
Sodexo DI, Morrisville, PA
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Optional online MS in Dietetics program with University of Rhode Island
- Various geographic practice regions available
- Total hours: 1024
- Emphasis: Leadership or Critical Care Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Community
- Foodservice management
- Concentration
- Contact: Erica Charles at (301) 641-4301 or Erica.charles@sodexo.com
Aramark DI, Philadelphia, PA
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Distance DI program
- Optional online MS in Human Nutrition with University of Alabama
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Community
- Foodservice management
- Contact: Cyndra Banta, MS, RDN, LD at (806) 252-8884 or banta-cyndra@aramark.com
Marywood University DI, Scranton, PA
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Onsite and Distance DI tracks available
- Total hours: 1000
- Emphasis: Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Rotations:
- Alternative practice experiences
- Community nutrition
- Food systems management
- Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Long Term Care
- Renal Dialysis
- Pediatric
- Professional practice
- Contact: Stephanie Minkoff MHSA, RDN, LDN at (570) 961-4751 or sminkoff@marywood.edu
West Chester University DI, West Chester, PA
- Must enroll in either the MS in Community Nutrition or post-master’s DI certificate program
- Distance DI program
- Emphasis: Community nutrition
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Community
- Foodservice management
- Contact: Becky Wojcik, MA, RDN, LDN at (610) 436-2264 or rwojcik@wcupa.edu
Rhode Island
University of Rhode Island DI, Kingston, RI
- Part of the MS in Nutrition program
- Total hours: 1200
- Emphasis: Community and Population Health
- Rotations:
- Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Food service management
- Community nutrition
- Contact: Dr. Geoffrey Greene at (401) 874-4028 or gwg@uri.edu
South Carolina
Sodexo DI at the Medical University of South Carolina DI, Charleston, SC
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Option to complete a MS through the school’s Future Education Model
- Total hours: 1000
- Specialty tracks include:
- Critical care Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Leadership
- Management
- Diabetes
- Oncology
- Weight Management
- Pediatrics
- Senior Living
- Wellness
- Culinary
- Contact: Kelley Martin, MPH, RDN, LD at (843) 876-4304 or martinkl@musc.edu
Winthrop University DI, Rock Hill, SC
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Earn 12 semester hours of graduate credit that can be applied to MS in Human Nutrition if desired
- Total hours: 1200
- Emphasis: Nutrition therapy
- Rotations:
- Nutrition therapy/clinical
- Community
- Foodservice management
- Contact: Stephanie Nielsen at (803) 323-4521 or nielsens@winthrop.edu
South Dakota
There are no ACEND-accredited DI programs in South Dakota.
East Tennessee State University DI, Johnson City, TN
- Part of the MS in Clinical Nutrition program
- Total hours: 1000
- Emphasis: Clinical nutrition
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Community
- Management
- Contact: Michelle Johnson, PhD, RD, LDN at (423) 439-7761 or johnsonme@etsu.edu
University of Tennessee Martin DI, Martin, TN
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Emphasis: Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Rotations:
- Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Community
- Foodservice Management
- Contact: Brian D. Carroll, MS, RD, LDN at (731) 881-7102 or bcarro18@utm.edu
Catherine Austin DI Program at Memphis VA Medical Center DI, Memphis, TN
- Must have a master’s degree or be enrolled in MS program to apply to this DI
- Optional track with online MS in Human Nutrition at University of Alabama
- Total hours 1200 to 1300
- Emphasis: Medical Nutrition Therapy, concentration in Ambulatory Care
- Rotations:
- Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Food service management
- Community nutrition
- Contact: Jackie Roos, MS, RD, CDE, LDN at (901) 523-8990 x 7337 or 5683, or Jacqueline.roos@va.gov
University of Memphis DI, Memphis, TN
- Part of the MS in Nutrition program
- Emphasis: Adult clinical nutrition
- Rotations:
- Adult clinical nutrition
- Pediatric clinical nutrition
- Community
- Management
- Contact: David Kean at (901) 678-3477 or djkean@memphis.edu
National HealthCare Corporation DI, Murfreesboro, TN
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Total hours: 1000
- Emphasis: Geriatric nutrition care
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Food services
- Community
- Nutrition support/wellness
- School nutrition
- Contact: Patty T. Poe, EdD, RD, LDN at (615) 890-2020 or ppoe@nhccare.com
Vanderbilt University Medical Center DI, Nashville, TN
- Post-baccalaureate, graduate certificate program
- Emphasis: Disease management and health promotion
- Rotations:
- Clinical nutrition
- Community nutrition
- Food services management
- Disease management
- Health promotion
- Contact: Dianne Killebrew, M Ed, RDN, LDN at (615) 343-9582 or k.dianne.killebrew@vumc.org
Lipscomb University DI, Nashville, TN
- Part of the Master of Science in Nutrition program
- Emphasis: Medical Nutrition Therapy, Health Promotion and Wellness, or Sports Nutrition
- Rotations:
- Clinical/medical nutrition therapy
- Community nutrition
- Food service management
- Contact: Anne Lowery at (615) 966-5746 x 5746 or anne.lowery@lipscomb.edu
Abilene Christian University DI, Abilene, TX
- Part of the online MS in Nutrition program
- Total hours: 1280
- Emphasis: Poverty and Community
- Rotations:
- Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Clinical
- Acute
- Critical
- Long term care
- Foodservice management and administration
- Poverty and community
- Elective
- Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Contact: Kay Williams, M Ed, RD, LD at (254) 744-3707 or williamsk@aol.com
Texas WIC DI, Austin, TX
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Must be employed by Texas WIC to apply to this DI
- Rotations:
- Clinical nutrition
- Community nutrition
- Foodservice management
- Contact: Melissa Mouton, MS, RDN, LD at (512) 341-4510 or Melissa.Mouton@hhs.texas.gov
Lamar University DI, Beaumont, TX
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Emphasis: Nutrition education and counseling
- Rotations:
- Clinical dietetics
- Foodservice management
- Community nutrition
- Nutrition education and counseling
- Contact: Jill Killough, PhD, RDN, LD at (409) 880-8663 or jil.killough@lamar.edu
Texas A&M University DI, College Station, TX
- Part of the Master in Clinical Nutrition program
- Rotations:
- Clinical Nutrition
- Community Nutrition
- Foodservice management
- Contact: Karen S. Geismar, MS, RDN, LD at (979) 845-5713 or karen.geismar@agnet.tamu.edu
Medical City Healthcare DI Program, Coppell, TX
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Total hours: 1280
- Emphasis: Foodservice management
- Rotations:
- Foodservice management
- Clinical
- Community nutrition
- Elective rotation
- Contact: Terry Brown, MBA, MPH, RDN, LD, CSNC at (469) 470-6190 or terry.brown@medicalcityhealth.com
Baylor University Medical Center DI, Dallas, TX
- Part of the Master of Clinical Nutrition program
- Emphasis: Clinical nutrition therapy
- Rotations:
- Clinical nutrition therapy
- Community nutrition
- Foodservice management
- Contact: Ashley Mullins, MS, RDN, LD, CSNC at (214) 820-2402 or Ashley.Mullins@BSWHealth.org
Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas DI, Dallas, TX
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Earn optional 9 hours of graduate credit through Texas Woman’s University
- Emphasis: Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Rotations:
- Medical nutrition therapy/clinical
- Community nutrition
- Food service
- Contact: Bielca Soza, MS, RD, LD at (214) 345-7558 or bielcasoza@texashealth.org
Texas Woman’s University DI, Denton, TX
- Part of the MS in Nutrition and Food Sciences program
- Total hours: 1170
- Emphasis: Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Rotations:
- Medical nutrition therapy
- Food systems administration
- Long term care
- Pediatrics
- Community nutrition
- Contact: Martha Rew, MS, RDN, LD at (940) 898-2657 or mrew@twu.edu
University of Texas Medical Branch DI, Galveston, TX
- Part of the MS in Nutrition program
- Total hours: 1240
- Rotations:
- Clinical nutrition
- Community nutrition
- Extended care
- Research
- Food service management
- Contact: Blair H. Brown, MS, RDN, LD, CNSC at (409) 772-9862 or bhbrown@utmb.edu
University of Houston DI, Houston, TX
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Onsite and Distance DI tracks available
- Emphasis: Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Rotations:
- Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Food service management
- Community nutrition
- Wellness and sports
- Elective rotation
- Contact: Claudia Scott at (713) 743-4025 or cwscott@uh.edu
Texas Woman’s University Houston DI, Houston, TX
- Part of the MS in Nutrition program
- Total hours: 1216
- Emphasis: Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Rotations:
- Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Food systems management
- School nutrition
- Public health
- Contact: Karen A. Moreland at (713) 794-2371 or kstone@twu.edu
Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center DI, Houston, TX
- Part of MS program at Texas Woman’s University
- Emphasis: Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Rotations:
- Medical nutrition therapy
- Community nutrition
- Food service management
- Contact: Kristi Becker, MS, RD, LD, FAND, VHA-CM at (713) 791-1414 x 25290 or Kristy.Becker2@va.gov
University of Texas Health Sciences Center-Houston DI, Houston, TX
- Part of the Master of Public Health program
- Total hours: 1200
- Emphasis: Public health nutrition
- Rotations:
- Community nutrition
- Hospital and school foodservice management
- Medical Nutrition therapy
- Public health nutrition
- Contact: Jeanne Piga-Plunkett, MS, RDN, LD at (713) 500-9346 or Jeanne.M.Pigaplunkett@uth.tmc.edu
Sam Houston State University DI, Huntsville, TX
- Part of the MS in Dietetics program
- Total hours: 1000
- Emphasis: Community Research and Wellness
- Rotations:
- Clinical nutrition
- Community nutrition
- Food service systems management
- Community research and wellness
- Contact: Dr. Tabbetha Lopez, RD, LD at (936) 294-4164 or tdl030@shsu.edu
Texas A&M University Kingsville DI, Kingsville, TX
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Total hours: 1200
- Emphasis: Clinical
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Community
- Foodservice management
- Contact: Farzad Deyhim at (361) 593-2409 or farzad.deyhim@tamuk.edu
Texas Tech University DI, Lubbock, TX
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Optional online MS in Nutrition and Dietetics available
- Total hours: 1040
- Emphasis: Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Rotations:
- Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Community nutrition
- Foodservice management
- Contact: Allison Kerin at (806) 834-1916 or Allison.kerin@ttu.edu
Stephen F. Austin State University DI, Nacogdoches, TX
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Optional MS in Nutrition and Dietetics available
- Emphasis: Dietetics in Integrative and Functional Medicine
- Rotations:
- Clinical dietetics
- Community dietetics
- Foodservice management
- Contact: Dr Darla O’Dwyer at (936) 468-4502 or dodwyer@sfasu.edu
Prairie View A&M University DI, Prairie View, TX
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Earn 18 semester hours of graduate credit
- Total hours: 1200
- Rotations:
- Management and food service
- Clinical
- Community and public health
- Contact: Dr. Janet Antwi, RD, LD at (936) 261-2536 or jaantwi@pvamu.edu
Baptist Health System DI, San Antonio, TX
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Total hours: 1344
- Rotations:
- General clinical nutrition
- Renal dialysis
- NICU/Pediatrics
- School foodservice
- Management/hospital foodservice
- Contact: Amanda Stephens, MA, RDN, LD, CNSC at (210) 297-8643 or axstephe@baptithealthsystem.com
University of the Incarnate Word DI, San Antonio, TX
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Emphasis: Diversity in nutrition care
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Community
- Foodservice management
- Contact: Joseph Bonilla, PhD, RDN at (210) 829-3908 or josephb@uiwtx.edu
Texas State University DI, San Marcos, TX
- Part of the MS in Human Nutrition program
- Total hours: 1000
- Emphasis: Pediatric nutrition or Research
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Community
- Foodservice management
- Research or Pediatric nutrition
- Contact: Hannah B. Thornton at (512) 245-7055 or ht1074@txstate.edu
Baylor University DI, Waco, TX
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Optional MS degree
- Earn 15 hours of graduate credit
- Total hours: 1248
- Emphasis: Public health nutrition
- Rotations:
- Medical nutrition therapy
- Public health nutrition
- Management
- Contact: LesLee K. Funderburk, PhD, RD, CSSD, CSCS at (254) 710-7318 or leslee_funderburk@baylor.edu
Brigham Young University DI, Provo, UT
- Part of the MS in Dietetics program
- Total hours: 1076
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Management
- Community and wellness
- Graduate project/research
- Leadership and professionalism
- Contact: D. Pauline Williams, PhD, MPA, RDN, CD at (801) 422-4876 or pauline_williams@byu.edu
Utah State University Salt Lake DI, Taylorsville, UT
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Optional Master of Dietetic Administration or Master of Public Health available
- Distance DI
- Total hours: 1080
- Rotations:
- Clinical nutrition
- School food service management
- Community nutrition
- Contact: Lacie Peterson, MS, RDN, BC-ADM, CDCES, FADCES, FAND at (435) 797-4244 or lacie.peterson@usu.edu
There are no ACEND-accredited DI programs in Vermont.
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University DI, Blacksburg, VA
- Graduate certificate program
- Rotations:
- Clinical dietetics
- Community nutrition
- Food service management
- Elective rotation
- Contact: Carol Papillon, MPH, RD at (540) 231-8769 or cpapillo@vt.edu
University of Virginia Health System DI, Charlottesville, VA
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Total hours: 1200
- Emphasis: Nutrition support and pediatrics
- Rotations:
- Medical nutrition therapy
- Public health nutrition and community nutrition
- Food and nutrition management
- Contact: Angela Jean Hasemann Bayliss at (434) 924-2348 or uvadieteticinternship@virginia.edu
Virginia State University DI, Petersburg, VA
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Optional Food and Nutrition Science Graduate Certificate
- Earn 16 hours of graduate credit
- Total hours: 1000
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Community
- Foodservice management
- Contact: Dr. Crystal L. Wynn at (804) 524-6351 or crwynn@vsu.edu
Virginia Commonwealth University Health System DI, Richmond, VA
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Emphasis: Medical Nutrition Therapy or Food and Nutrition Management
- Rotations:
- Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Food and Nutrition Management
- Community Nutrition
- Contact: Stephanie Stockslager, MS, RD at (804) 828-9108 or stephanie.stockslager@vcuhealth.org
Virginia/Maryland WIC DI, Richmond, VA
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Total hours: 1200
- Emphasis: Community nutrition
- Rotations:
- Clinical nutrition
- Community nutrition
- Food service management
- Contact: Kailyn M. Stanley at (804) 864-7832 or Kailyn.Stanley@vdh.virginia.gov
Garden to Table Nutrition DI, Bothell, WA
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Distance DI
- Total hours: 1000
- Emphasis: Farm and garden nutrition
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Community
- Foodservice management
- Contact: Susie Fox, MS, RDN at (425) 368-8170 or sfox@gardentotablenutrition.com
Central Washington University DI, Ellensburg, WA
- Part of the graduate certificate program
- Total hours: 1200
- Emphasis: Community nutrition
- Rotations:
- Clinical nutrition
- Community nutrition
- Foodservice management
- Contact: Dana Organ, MS, RDN, CD at (509) 963-2351 or dana.ogan@cwu.edu
Bastyr University DI, Kenmore, WA
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Total hours: 1200
- Emphasis: Integrative medicine and Environmentally-conscious whole-food nutrition
- Rotations:
- Clinical nutrition
- Community nutrition
- Foodservice management
- Emphasis rotation
- Elective rotation
- Contact: Dr. Cynthia J. Bartok at (425) 602-3280 or cbartok@bastyr.edu
Seattle Pacific University DI, Seattle, WA
- Post-baccalaureate, graduate certificate program
- Total hours: 1200
- Emphasis: Community nutrition
- Rotations:
- Community nutrition
- Clinical nutrition
- Foodservice management
- Optional international rotation in Shimla, India
- Contact: Joey Freeman at (206) 281-2006 or freemj2@spu.edu ‘
Sea Mar Community Health Center DI, Seattle, WA
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Total hours: 1200
- Emphasis: Multicultural and low-income community nutrition
- Rotations:
- Community nutrition
- Clinical nutrition
- Foodservice management
- Contact: Marisol Thomas, MS, RDN at (206) 474-2016 or MarisolThomas@seamarchc.org
West Virginia
Marshall University DI, Huntington, WV
- Part of the MS in Dietetics program
- Onsite and distance DI tracks available
- Total hours: 1000
- Rotations:
- Community outreach
- Long term care
- Nutrition education
- Outpatient nutrition programs
- WIC program
- Foodservice management
- Clinical practice
- Nutrition and social media
- Contact: Kelli Williams, PhD, RD, LD at (304) 696-4336 or williamsk@marshall.edu
West Virginia University Hospitals, Inc. DI, Morgantown, WV
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Total hours: 1400
- Emphasis: Medical nutrition therapy
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Community
- Foodservice management
- Contact: Jill Johnston, MS, RD, LD at (304) 598-4105 or jill.johnston@wvumedicine.org
West Virginia University DI, Morgantown, WV
- Part of the MS in Dietetics program
- Total hours: 1200
- Rotations:
- Community nutrition
- Clinical nutrition
- Foodservice management
- Contact: Nettie Freshour at (304) 293-2651 or Nettie.Freshour@mail.wvu.edu
University of Wisconsin-Green Bay DI, Green Bay, WI
- Post-baccalaureate program
- Total hours: 1200
- Emphasis: Leadership
- Rotations:
- Clinical nutrition
- Community nutrition
- Foodservice management
- Contact: Heather Masters at (920) 465-2269 or mastersh@uwgb.edu
Viterbo University DI, La Crosse, WI
- Part of the MS in Dietetics program
- Total hours: 1400
- Emphasis: Community-medical
- Rotations:
- Clinical
- Community
- Foodservice management
- Contact: Maria Morgan-Bathke, MBA, PhD, RD, CD, FAND at (608) 796-3660 or memorganbathke@viterbo.edu
University of Wisconsin-Stout DI, Menomonie, WI
- Must have a master’s degree to enroll in this DI
- Total hours: 1000
- Emphasis: Medical Nutrition Management
- Rotations:
- Clinical nutrition
- Community nutrition
- Food service management
- Contact: Dr. Karen L. Ostenso at (715) 232-2394 or ostensok@uwstout.edu
Mount Mary University DI, Milwaukee, WI
- Post-baccalaureate program
- MS in Dietetics program available
- Total hours: 1200
- Emphasis: Disease prevention and health promotion
- Rotations:
- Clinical nutrition
- Community nutrition
- Foodservice management
- Contact: Lisa Stark, MPH, MS, RD, CD at (414) 930-3464 or starkl@mtmary.edu
There are no ACEND-accredited DI programs in Wyoming.