Nutrition Scholarships for High School Grads and Community College Students

Nutrition Scholarship and Financial Aid banner

Once you have made the decision to become a nutritionist or registered dietitian (link to the ultimate guide for hs grads/comm college students I just wrote), you then must consider, how am I going to pay for the education that I will need to fulfill my ambitions? The U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics lists the mean annual wage for nutritionist and registered dietitians as $71,280 as of May 2023. You can expect to earn even higher annual salaries as a registered dietitian or nutritionist if you work in California, New Jersey, Oregon, New York, or Alaska. Knowing these figures is important, because when you are deciding upon an educational pathway, you must also determine if your future earnings are worth taking on college debt.

But you don’t have to pay for your education alone. There are many avenues that you can examine that can help to fund your college education, including grants, loans, and scholarships. Your high school or college’s career counselor or advisor can also help you to find scholarships that fit your needs. Here, we will take a closer look at some of the nutrition scholarships that are designed for high school graduates and community college students who want to become a nutritionist or registered dietitian, as well as the eligibility criteria for each scholarship (which may include qualifiers such as a certain GPA, enrollment in a nutrition and dietetics program, and financial need). Scholarships below are in two categories: those listed alphabetically by state, and those open to anyone who qualifies regardless of the state in which they live or go to school.

Nutrition Scholarships by State

The following scholarships are organized by state — meaning, you must either be a current student in that state, planning to study nutrition in that state, or a resident of that state. The scholarships that we have listed below are at the undergraduate level, particularly designed for high school graduates and community college students just entering the field. Note that every state does not have a scholarship opportunity listed. 


Alabama Dietetics Association Scholarships

Benefit: $500 to $1000

Eligibility: You must be a legal resident of Alabama enrolled in an ACEND-accredited Alabama college dietetics program. Most scholarships also require you to be a student member of the ALDA.

Application deadline: April 15

Other information: Many different scholarships are offered by the ALDA. When you apply online, you will be considered for those for which you qualify. 

Apply here: Online application


Arizona State University Nutrition Program Scholarship

Benefit: varies

Eligibility: You must be a student at Arizona State University majoring in nutrition. You must have a GPA of 3.0 and demonstrate financial need.

Application deadline: March 1

Other information: Contact the College of Health Solutions at for more information. Applying on the ASU Scholarship Portal will help you find and apply to all scholarships for which you qualify.

Apply hereASU Scholarship Portal


University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences College of Health Professions Dietetics and Nutrition Scholarship

Benefit: $1000

Eligibility: You must be accepted into the dietetics program at the UAMS College of Health Professions. You must have a 3.0 GPA. You must demonstrate financial need.

Application deadline: June 2

Other information: Contact the Admissions Office at for more information.

Apply here: Dietetics and Nutrition Scholarship


California Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Diversity Scholarship

Benefit: $2000

Eligibility: You must be a California resident, member of an underserved population, entering the first or second year of a Nutrition and Dietetic Technician, Registered program or the second year of an ACEND-accredited dietetics program in California. Most scholarships also require you to be a student member of the California Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Application deadline: varies

Other information: A variety of scholarships are available from the California Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics for students who qualify in other ways, such as residency or school attending – see the link for more details.

Apply here: California Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Scholarships


Les Dames d’Escoffier International, Colorado Chapter Scholarship

Benefit: $1500 to $2500

Eligibility: You must be a female student accepted to or enrolled in a food science/nutrition program at a school in Chicago. You must also demonstrate financial need.

Application deadline: May 1

Apply here: Scholarship Application Form


University of Connecticut Department of Nutritional Sciences Scholarships

Benefit: $500 to $4000

Eligibility: Must be an undergraduate student in Nutritional Sciences at UConn. Other qualifications (GPA, ethnicity, financial need, etc.) vary depending upon the scholarship

Application deadline: March 15

Other information: A list of all scholarships for undergraduate Nutritional Sciences students at UConn, with their requirements, may be found here.

Apply here: UConn Nutritional Sciences Scholarships and Awards


Delaware School Nutrition Association Scholarships

Benefit: $1000

Eligibility: Must be a current Delaware high school senior who plans to pursue a college degree in a food and nutrition program at an accredited school.

Application deadline: April 8

Other information: For more information, contact Stephanie Mullin at

Apply here: Scholarship Application 

District of Columbia

Nutrition and Dietetics Scholarship at the University of the District of Columbia

Benefit: varies

Eligibility: You must be accepted into or enrolled in the Nutrition and Dietetics program at the University of the District of Columbia. You must be a resident of the District of Columbia. You must have a 2.5 GPA.

Application deadline: varies

Other information: Scholarship is administered by the Center for Communications, Health and the Environment (CECHE).  Contact with questions.

Apply here: Contact for application form.


Florida Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Scholarships

Benefit: varies

Eligibility: You must be an ACEND member and a member of the Florida Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. You must be accepted to or enrolled in a dietetics program in Florida. You must have a 2.5 GPA.

Application deadline: varies

Other information: You may apply to the Florida Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics using their scholarship form and you will be considered for any scholarships for which you qualify.

Apply here: Scholarship Application


University of Georgia Department of Food Science & Technology Scholarships

Benefit: varies

Eligibility: You must be accepted to or enrolled in an undergraduate food science program at the University of Georgia. Some scholarships also consider financial need and GPA. 

Application deadline: varies

Other information: You may use the same application to apply for all Food Science scholarships and you will automatically be considered for those for which you qualify. Contact Faith Critzer at for more information.

Apply hereScholarship Application


University of Hawaii at Manoa Human Nutrition, Food and Animal Sciences Scholarships

Benefit: varies

Eligibility: You must be accepted to or enrolled in UH Manoa’s College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources and a student of the Human Nutrition, Food and Animal Sciences department. GPA requirements vary by scholarship.

Application deadline: February

Other information: You may apply for multiple scholarships for which you qualify through the UH Manoa’s STAR system.

Apply hereSTAR


Idaho State University Rausch-Lewis Nutrition and Dietetics Scholarship

Benefit: $1920

Eligibility: You must be an Idaho resident and accepted to or enrolled in the University of Idaho’s dietetics or nutrition program. You must also demonstrate academic excellence.

Application deadline: April 19

Other information:  Contact Jenifer Reader at for more information.

Apply here: Apply through the ISU Moodle Student Network


University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Food Science and Human Nutrition Departmental Scholarships

Benefit: $250 to $40,000

Eligibility: You must be accepted by or enrolled in the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign’s Food Science and Human Nutrition department.

Application deadline: varies

Other information: Those accepted to or enrolled in the school’s Food Science and Human Nutrition program will be invited to apply if they qualify.

Apply here: Applicants will be invited to apply upon qualification.


Bratton-Brown Huntington and Montgomery County Agriculture Scholarship at Purdue University

Benefit: varies

Eligibility: You must be a resident of Huntington or Montgomery County, IN. You must be an incoming freshman in the College of Agriculture (Food Science) at Purdue University. You must show financial need and academic performance.

Application deadline: varies

Other information: There is no separate application for this scholarship, as it is administered by the Purdue University Division of Financial Aid. Completing FAFSA will automatically make you eligible, if you meet qualifications.

Apply here: FAFSA


Martha J. Branch Scholarship

Benefit: $750

Eligibility: You must be an African-American student accepted to or enrolled in an undergraduate nutrition program in Kentucky. You must have a 3.0 GPA.

Application deadline: June 28

Apply hereMartha J. Branch Scholarship Application


Maine Nutrition Council Scholarship

Benefit: $500

Eligibility: You must be attending a Maine community college or university and pursuing an associate’s or bachelor’s degree in human nutrition. You must have a 3.0 GPA.

Application deadline: May 31

Other information: This scholarship is also available to graduate students in human nutrition in Maine.

Apply here: MNC Scholarship Application


William and Mary Jane DeLauder Student Award – University of Maryland Department of Nutrition and Food Science

Benefit: Varies

Eligibility: You must be accepted to or enrolled as an undergraduate student in nutrition and food science at the University of Maryland

Application deadline: varies

Other information: contact for more information

Apply here: contact for application


Massachusetts Dietitians Education Foundation Scholarships

Benefit: $1500

Eligibility: You must be a member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and list Massachusetts as your affiliate state. You must be accepted to or enrolled in a dietetic technician program in Maine.

Application deadline: May 31

Other information: Two other scholarships are awarded by MDEF. More information can be found here.

Apply hereMDEF Scholarship Application


GRCF Virginia Valk Fehsenfeld Scholarship

Benefit: varies

Eligibility: You must be a resident of Kent County, MI, and accepted to or enrolled in a program in nutrition or dietetics. You must also have a 3.4 GPA and demonstrate financial need.

Application deadline: March 1

Other information: When you fill out the GRCF’s general application, you will automatically be considered for more than 70 scholarships, including this one. 

Apply here: General Application


CFANS Academic Year Scholarships- University of Minnesota College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences

Benefit: varies

Eligibility: You must be a member of AND, a Minnesota resident, and enrolled as a full-time nutrition student at the University of Minnesota’s College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resources Sciences. 

Application deadline: March 1

Other information: Contact for more information.

Apply here: CFANS Application for Scholarships


Mississippi School Nutrition Association Scholarship 

Benefit: varies

Eligibility: You must be a member of the Mississippi School Nutrition Association, a legal resident of Mississippi, and enrolled in a vocational or undergraduate program in food service or nutrition

Application deadline: October 1

Other information: You must also indicate in a letter how your program will help you improve the contribution you will make to meeting Mississippi children’s nutritional needs.

Apply here: MSNA Scholarship Application


Missouri Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Scholarships

Benefit: $350 to $1000

Eligibility: You must be a student member of AND and MOAND. You must be enrolled in a nutrition program in Missouri. 

Application deadline: varies

Other information: A variety of scholarships are offered. One requires that you are a resident of or attending college in the Northwest Missouri District. 

Apply here: MOAND Scholarship Application 


Montana State University College of Education, Health & Human Development Scholarships

Benefit: varies

Eligibility: You must be a full-time student in MSU’s EHHD department

Application deadline: May 1

Other information: By applying to the CAT Scholarships system, you will be automatically matched with scholarships for which you are eligible.

Apply here: CAT Scholarships

New Hampshire

New Hampshire Food Industries Education Foundation Scholarship

Benefit: $1500

Eligibility: You must be employed by, or parents must be employed by, the NH Grocers Association and be a high school student or undergraduate student.

Application deadline: March 15

Other information: Contact for more information

Apply here: NHFIEF application

New Jersey

New Jersey Association for Food Protection Scholarship

Benefit: varies

Eligibility: You must be a NJAFP member and enrolled in a full- or part-time undergraduate program in nutritional sciences or a related area.

Application deadline: varies

Other information: Academic merit and financial need will also be considered. 

Apply here: Application form

New Mexico

New Mexico Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Undergraduate Scholarships

Benefit: up to $1000

Eligibility: You must be a New Mexico resident admitted to or enrolled at a NM college or university in an ACEND-accredited nutrition and dietetics program. You must also be a NMAND member with a GPA of 3.0. 

Application deadline: January

Apply here: NMAND Scholarship Application 

New York

Columbia University Institute of Human Nutrition Director’s Scholarship

Benefit: varies

Eligibility:  You must be accepted into or enrolled in a nutrition program at Columbia’s IHN. You must demonstrate financial need.

Application deadline: May 15

Other information: For domestic students only.

Apply here: IHN Directors Scholarship

North Carolina

Elizabeth Marie Roberts Scholarship

Benefit: $8000

Eligibility: You must be a graduating high school senior from Durham County, NC, and plan to study nutrition at a North Carolina school. You must have a 2.5 GPA.

Application deadline: March 6

Other information: Applying for Tringle Community Foundation’s universal online application will make sure that you are considered for all scholarship for which you are eligible.

Apply here: Universal Online Application

North Dakota

Margaret Starcher Scholarship, University of North Dakota

Benefit: varies

Eligibility: You must be an undergraduate student in nutrition and dietetics at the University of North Dakota.

Application deadline: March 1

Other information: Applying at the school’s Scholarship Central will make sure you are automatically considered for all scholarships for which you meet criteria.

Apply hereScholarship Central


Ohio Nutrition Council Scholarship

Benefit: $1000

Eligibility: You must be a legal resident of Ohio and accepted into or enrolled in a food and nutrition college program at an Ohio school. 

Application deadline: March 22

Other information: Contact for more information

Apply hereThe Columbus Foundation Scholarships


W.D. and Lucille B. Newby Scholarship

Benefit: varies

Eligibility: You must be accepted into or enrolled in a nutrition or wellness program at Northwestern Oklahoma State University. You must have a 3.0 GPA. Oklahoma residents are given priority.

Application deadline: February 15

Other information: This is offered through the school’s Health and Sports Science Department.

Apply hereHealth & Sports Science Department Scholarship Application


Oregon Dairy Women Scholarship

Benefit: $3000

Eligibility: You must be majoring in nutrition, dietetics, food science or a related field; have a 2.7 GPA, and be an Oregon resident.

Application deadline: May 1

Other information: You must maintain full-time student status to keep the scholarship.

Apply here: Application Form


Elizabeth LaVelle Scholarship, Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Benefit: varies

Eligibility: You must be a full-time entering freshman student at IUP in the Allied and Public Health Dept., you must have at least 1000 combined SAT score, you must have a 3.0 GPA, you must demonstrate high ability, you must demonstrate financial need. 

Application deadline: varies

Other information: Contact for more information

Apply here: IUP Scholarships

Rhode Island

Elizabeth Carolyn Lincoln ’43 Scholarship Nutrition/Dietetics at University of Rhode Island

Benefit: varies

Eligibility: You must be a student in Nutrition and/or Dietetics at URI, have a 3.0 GPA, have graduated from a high school in Rhode Island, and be a resident at or nearby the Kingston, RI campus.

Application deadline: July 31

Other information: contact for more information

Apply here: URI Scholarship Portal

South Carolina

Ina Rufus Stutts Scholarship at Winthrop University

Benefit: varies

Eligibility: You must be a human nutrition major at Winthrop University and a resident of Cleveland or Scotland County, NC or Dillon County, SC. You must demonstrate academic merit.

Application deadline: varies

Other information: contact for more information

Apply here: contact for application


Harryet S. Blackwell Nutrition Scholarship at East Tennessee State University

Benefit: $500

Eligibility: You must be currently enrolled in the Nutrition and Dietetics program at ETSU. You must have a 3.0 GPA. You must demonstrate financial need.

Application deadline: March 15

Apply here: Nutrition Scholarship Application


West Region Undergraduate Diversity in Dietetics Scholarship – Texas Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Foundation Scholarship

Benefit: $500 

Eligibility: You must be a resident of the West Region, a member of the Texas Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, and you must be enrolled in an undergraduate nutrition and dietetics program in Texas. 

Application deadline: varies

Apply here: TAND scholarships


Utah Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Scholarship

Benefit: $500

Eligibility: You must be an undergraduate DPD student in Utah.

Application deadline: March 1

Other information: Contact for more information

Apply here: UAND Scholarship Form


Nannie Rudd Evans Scholarship, James Madison University

Benefit: varies

Eligibility: You must be a student in dietetics at JMU.

Application deadline: varies

Apply here: Madison Scholarships Hub

West Virginia

Lillian Halveson Scholarship, West Virginia Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

Benefit: varies

Eligibility: You must be an undergraduate student in Dietetics at an ACEND-accredited school in WV, you must be a member of the WV Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Application deadline: varies

Apply here: WVAND Scholarships and Awards


Beulah Dahle Scholarship, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Benefit: varies

Eligibility: You must be an undergraduate student in Nutrition and Dietetics or Food Science at University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Application deadline: varies

Apply here: Wisconsin Scholarship Hub


Dr. Lisa H. Yu Human Nutrition and Rodeo Scholarship, University of Wyoming

Benefit: varies

Eligibility: You must be a student enrolled at the University of Wyoming in Human Nutrition. Preferences are given to students who are member of the men’s or women’s rodeo team, female non-traditional students, and students who are parents with minor children

Application deadline: March 15

Other information: Non-traditional students include those over age 25, a child of deceased parents, a ward of the court, a US Armed Forces Veteran, married, or responsible for dependents.

Apply here: Wyo Scholarships


Non-State-Related Nutrition Scholarships

These nutrition scholarships are not limited to residents of just one state or those who attend a specific school, but rather, are available to anyone who meets the eligibility criteria. 

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Foundation Scholarships

Benefit: $500 to $25,000

Eligibility: You must be accepted to or presently enrolled in an ACEND-accredited bachelor’s degree program in nutrition and dietetics.

Application deadline: May 14

Other information: Fill out one universal application to be matched with scholarships you are eligible to receive. Contact with questions or for more information.

Apply hereOnline Application Platform

AvaCare Medical Scholarship

Benefit: $1000

Eligibility: You must be a US citizen, high school senior or accepted to or enrolled in a college/university nutrition program, and have a 3.0 GPA.

Application deadline: December 15

Other information: You must also submit an essay, video, or image about an act of kindness that inspired you.


Behavioral Health Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group Student Grant

Benefit: $1000

Eligibility: You must be accepted into or enrolled in a dietetics program in the US and have a desire to learn more about the four cornerstones of the BHN: eating disorders, intellectual development disorders, addictions, and mental health.

Application deadline: varies

Other information: email for more information

Apply here: BHN Application

Congressional Black Caucus Foundation General Mills Health Scholarship

Benefit: $2000

Eligibility: You must be an African-American student accepted to or enrolled in a nutrition program in the U.S. You must have a GPA of 2.75 and reside in a CBC member district.

Application deadline: February

Other information: Contact for more information

Apply here: CBCF Scholarship Application

Institute of Food Technology Feeding Tomorrow Fund 

Benefit: $1500 to $5000

Eligibility: You must be accepted to or presently enrolled in a food science major and have a 3.0 GPA. Some are available to students of any program, others just to students who are in IFT-HERB approved programs (listed here).

Application deadline: Feb. 26

Other information: A variety of scholarships are available when you use the universal application. 

Apply here: Learn More and Apply 

Murse World Scholarship

Benefit: $1000

Eligibility: You must be a high school senior, accepted to, or enrolled in, a college program in the medical field (includes nutrition). You must have a 3.0 GPA and be a U.S. citizen.

Application deadline: January 15

Other information: You must also submit an essay on how you plan to make the world a better place through your career in nutrition.

Apply here:

Nancy Curry School Nutrition Association Foundation Scholarship

Benefit: $500

Eligibility: You must be accepted into or enrolled in a degree or certificate program in nutrition or food service. You must be currently employed in food service and be a current member of the School Nutrition Association.

Application deadline:  March 31

Other information: Contact for more information 

Apply here: Contact for application form.

National Restaurant Association Scholarships

Benefit: $2500 to $10,000

Eligibility:  You must be enrolled in food service, restaurant, or hospitality-related degree program at an accredited US college or university

Application deadline: March 15

Other information: Contact for more information

Apply hereApplication

Organic’s Best SuperParent Scholarship

Benefit: $2000

Eligibility: You must be a single parent accepted to or enrolled in a college or university nutrition or food program and be an advocate for organic nutrition and sustainable living.

Application deadline: March 30

Other information: You must also submit an essay on Organic Living and its Impact on Single-Parent Families


Plexuss Foundation Nutrition Scholarship

Benefit: $250

Eligibility: You must be a U.S. citizen accepted into or enrolled in a bachelor’s degree program in nutrition.

Application deadline: July 31

Other information: Essay information to apply for the scholarship is available here.

Apply here: Plexuss Nutrition Scholarship Application

Walter Reed Smith Scholarship, Daughters of the Confederacy

Benefit: varies

Eligibility: You must be a female student who is applying for a degree in nutrition. You must also be the direct descendant of an eligible Confederate, and have a 3.0 GPA. 

Application deadline: June 15

Other information: You must also be endorsed by your local chapter’s President and Second Vice President.

Apply here: email for information on applying